Joseph Bergin - Selected publications#

  1. Church, Society and religious change in France 1580-1730 (Yale UP, May 2009), 506 pages (Médaille des Antiquités de France, 2010).
  2. Crown, Church and Episcopate under Louis XIV (Yale UP, 2004), 544 pages.
  3. The Making of the French Episcopate 1589-1661 (Yale UP, 1996), 761 pages.
  4. The Rise of Richelieu (Yale UP 1991, paperback Manchester UP, 1996), 282 pages (French trans. L’Ascension de Richelieu, Payot, 1994). ( Prix Richelieu, 1995)
  5. Cardinal Richelieu: Power and the Pursuit of Wealth (Yale UP 1985), 341 pages (French trans. Pouvoir et fortune de Richelieu, Éditions Robert Laffont, 1987).

Recent articles/papers
  1. ‘Ministériat, ministers and monarchy in seventeenth-century France’, in Power in History (Historical Studies, vol 29), pp 209-230.
  2. ‘Three faces of Richelieu: a historiographical essay’, French History, 23 (2009), 517-536.
  3. ‘Les évêques du grand siècle devant la mort’, Revue d’Histoire de l’Église de France, 94 (2008), 263-81.
  4. ‘Kirche und Geld im vormodernen Europa’, Sinn und Form (Berlin), 60 (2008), 395-410.
  5. ‘The King’s confessor and his rivals in 17th century France’, French History, 21 (2007), 187-204.
  6. ‘Regulars as bishops: the French church from the concordat of Bologna (1516) to the Revolution’, in Ireland, England and the continent in the Middle Ages and beyond (Dublin, 2006), 254-271.
  7. ‘Des indults aux hommes: la monarchie et les églises des provinces conquises sous Louis XIV’, in Pouvoirs, contestations et comportements dans l’Europe moderne (Mélanges Yves-Marie Bercé) Paris, 2005, 327-340.
  8. ‘The Place of seminaries and colleges in clerical education in 17th century France: a sketch’, in H Schilling and M-A Gross, eds, Im Spannungsfeld von Staat und Kirche (Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Beiheft no 31) (Berlin 2003), 297-311.
  9. ‘The Counter-Reformation Church and its Bishops’, Past and Present 165 (1999), 30-73.
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