Dorothea Wagner - Selected publications#

(Authors are in alphabetic order.)

Thomas Bläsius, Marcus Krug, Ignaz Rutter and Dorothea Wagner. Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Flexibility Constraints. Algorithmica, 2012.

Julian Dibbelt, Thomas Pajor and Dorothea Wagner. User-Constrained Multi-Modal Route Planning. In: Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12), pages 118-129. SIAM, 2012.

Reinhard Bauer, Daniel Delling and Dorothea Wagner. Experimental study of speed up techniques for timetable information systems. Networks 57 (1), 38-52 37, 2011.

Reinhard Bauer, Daniel Delling, Peter Sanders, Dennis Schieferdecker, Dominik Schultes and Dorothea Wagner. Combining Hierarchical and Goal-Directed Speed-Up Techniques for Dijkstra's Algorithm. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 15:2.3, 2010.

Ulrik Brandes, Daniel Delling, Marco Gaertler, Robert Görke, Martin Hoefer, Zoran Nikoloski, and Dorothea Wagner. On modularity clustering. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 20 (2), 172-188, 2008.

Ulrik Brandes, Marco Gaertler and Dorothea Wagner. Engineering Graph Clustering: Models and Experimental Evaluation. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 12(1.1):1-26, 2007.

Ulrik Brandes and Dorothea Wagner. visone -- Analysis and visualization of social networks. Graph drawing software, 321-340, 2004.

Michael Kaufmann and Dorothea Wagner. Drawing graphs: methods and models. Springer Verlag 2001.

Frank Schulz, Dorothea Wagner and Karsten Weihe. Dijkstra's Algorithm On-Line: An Empirical Case Study from Public Railroad Transport. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 5:12, 2000.

Ulrik Brandes, Patrick Kenis, Jörg Raab, Volker Schneider and Dorothea Wagner. Explorations into the Visualization of Policy Networks. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 11(1):75-106, 1999.

Full list of publications:
See also list of publications at DBLP and publications incl. citations at Google Scholar.
Papers: 430, Citations: 7319, h-index: 48 (Harzing P+P, March 2013)
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