Emmanuel Kowalski - Curriculum Vitae#
- 1989 - 1992 Student at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- 1995 - 1998 PhD thesis (advisor Henryk Iwaniec), Rutgers University
Academic positions:
- 2008 - present Professor of Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- 2000 - 2007 Professor at Université Bordeaux I, France
- 1998 - 2000 Veblen Research Instructor, Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study
- Author of 70 research papers several of which have appeared in major mathematical journals (Annals of Math., Invent. math., Duke Math. Journal,...)
- Author of 6 books and monographs, including "Analytic Number Theory" (with Henryk Iwaniec), A.M.S Colloquium Publ. 53, 2004, which is currently considered as the ultimate exposition for analytic number theory.
Seminar and Lectures:
More than a 100 of invitation to seminars, colloquia, and conferences several in major mathematical centers (Cambridge, Columbia, ENS Paris, École Poyltechnique, IAS, ICTP, IHES, MIT, Paris 6&7, Orsay, Oxford, Princeton,...). Also 4 invitations to lecture at the prestigious Bourbaki Seminar.