Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal - Selected Publications#

All citations are according to Google Scholar. Total citations: > 16,114, H-index is 55, and i10-index > 191.


1. A. Helal, J. King, R. Bose, Pickles, J. Russo, S. Ploeg, H. El-Zabadani and A. Al-Kouche, “Modular Platform Enabling Heterogeneous Devices, Sensors and Actuators to Integrate Automatically Into Heterogeneous Networks,” US Patents: 7,895,257 (2011) and 8,631,063 (2014). (Both patents are essential to connecting the Internet of Things to the edge and cloud, and to programming IoT applications. Both patents have been licensed to Bosch in 2017, and Samsung in 2018)

2. A. King, R. Bose, H. Yang, S. Pickles, and A. Helal, “Atlas: A Service-Oriented Sensor Platform: Hardware and Middleware to Enable Programmable Pervasive Spaces,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 31st Conference on Local Computer Networks, pp630-638, November 2006. (First paper to propose a service-oriented device architecture. The work resulted in a startup, Pervasa Inc, which commercialized the concept and 180 citations)

3. W. Lindquist, A. Helal, A. Khaled and W. Hutchinson, “IoTility: Architectural Requirements for Enabling Health IoT Ecosystems,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. Special issue on New Frontiers in Computing for Next-Generation Healthcare Systems, December 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2019.2957241


4. A. Helal, W. Mann, H. El-Zabadani, J. King, Y. Kaddoura and E. Jansen, “The Gator Tech Smart House: A Programmable Pervasive Space,” IEEE Computer, March 2005, pp64-74. (Influential paper that introduced a disruptive technology to enable creating smart spaces such as smart homes via programming, not through expensive, rigid, and unchangeable system integration. (One of the earliest smart home projects for aging and disabilities, over 1140 citations).

5. A. Helal and C. Bull, “From Smart Homes to Smart-ready Homes and Communities,” special issue on Technology and Dementia, in the Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders journal, Karger, Volume 47, pp157-163, DOI: 10.1159/000497803, June 2019.

6. A. Helal, S. Moore, and B. Ramachandran, “Drishti: An Integrated Navigation System for Visually Impaired and Disabled,” Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC’01), Switzerland, October 2001. pp149-157. (one of the first high-accuracy blind navigation system. Reported in the MIT Technology Review and accrued 383 citations)

7. L. Ran, A. Helal, and S. Moore, “Drishti: An Integrated Indoor/Outdoor Blind Navigation System and Service,” Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communications Conference (PerCom), Dallas, TX, March 2004. pp 23-30. (One of the first work that seamlessly integrates indoor with outdoor navigation for blind users. Gained 472 citations)

8. S. Willis and A. Helal, “RFID Information Grid for Blind Navigation and Wayfinding,” IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC), Tokyo, Japan, 2005. pp 34-37. (Disruptive ideas of removing the server in client-server navigation and replacing it by a grid of RFID in the physical campus. Cited by 256)

9. E. Kim, A. Helal, and D. Cook, "Human Activity Recognition and Pattern Discovery," IEEE Pervasive Computing 9(1), 48-53. (An influential paper that provided guidance on how to approach activity recognition from both an AI and systems perspective. Received 612 citations).

10. A. Helal, B. Winkler, C. Lee, Y. Kaddoura, L. Ran, C. Giraldo, S. Kuchibhotla, “Enabling location-aware pervasive computing applications for the elderly,” Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2003 (Popular paper on how to program location-based apps in smart homes. Received 207).

11. A. Helal, D. Cook, and M. Schmalz, “Smart Home-Based Health Platform for Behavioral Monitoring and Alteration of Diabetes Patients,” Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, 2009, pp. 141–148. (Received 128 citations).

12. A. Helal, "Programming Pervasive Spaces," IEEE Pervasive Computing 4 (1), 84-87 (influential paper about how to design smart spaces by turning every hardware element to a software counterpart. Received 117 citations).

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