SUMMER SCHOOL ‘Nationalism and Populism as Challenges for European Unity’#
The Academia Europaea invites you for the SUMMER SCHOOL within the CEEPUS-Network #
“Ethics and Politics in the European Context”: ‘Nationalism and Populism as Challenges for European Unity’. #
- Date: Wrocław, 13.09.2015 – 22.09.2015
- Venue: Institute of Political Science, ul. Koszarowa 3, Wrocław
- Coordinator of the network: Prof. Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Gabriel, Head of the Institute for Social Ethics, University of Vienna
- Local coordinator: Dr Piotr Sula
The main aim of the School is to develop the intercultural communication and cooperation skills. We hope that through the participation in the presentations the students will take an interest in multiculturalism and understanding of political and cultural diversity.Summer school will be composed of presentations of the PhD candidates and speeches given by the scholars.
More information can be found here

The Programme of the Summer School
- Monday, 14 September (Regional Centre for International Debate, pl. Biskupa Nankiera 17)
- 9.00 Welcome Speeches given by:
- Prof. dr hab. Adam Jezierski, Vice Rector of the University of Wrocław for Research and International Cooperation
- Prof. Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Gabriel, Head of the Institute for Social Ethics, University of Vienna
- Dr Piotr Sula, Vice Director of the Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław
- 9.15 Prof. Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Gabriel: European Nationalisms and Their Ethical Implications
- 10.45 Coffee break
- 11.00 Prof. Piero Ignazi (Università di Bologna)
: Europe: The New Scapegoat of Populist Parties
- 12.30 Coffee break
- 12.45 Prof. dr hab. Adam Chmielewski (Institute of Philosophy, University of Wrocław): Nationalism – Philosophical Perspective
- 14.15 Lunch + Visiting museums of the University of Wrocław
- 16.00 Vladimir Abramović (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy): Mechanisms of Populism Exploitation and Instrumentalisation – Example of Yugoslavia in the 1980’s.
- 17.00 Wojciech Ufel (Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław): Reason and Democracy: Ernesto Laclau and a Different Evaluation of Populism
- 18.00 Dinner
- 9.00 Welcome Speeches given by:
- Tuesday, 15 September
- 11.00 Svetlana Trbojevik and Natasha Bogoevska (The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Social Work and Social Policy): Reforms of the Social Protection System in Multicultural Macedonia: Who Are They Targeting?
- 13.00 Lunch
- Panel with PhD candidates papers (Chair: doc. PhDr. Ladislav Cabada, Dr Radu Preda)
- 14.30 Miloslav Slavik (Faculty of Theology in Košice, Catholic University of Ružomberok): Košice as Model for European Unity - Against Nationalism and Populism
- 15.30 Orysya Bila (Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv): Genealogy vs. Parrhesia: Michel Foucault’s Case of Transforming the Political into the Ethical
- 16.30 Coffee break
- 16.45 Daria Otto (University of Vienna): What Does it Mean to Be Roman and Christian Simultaneou (Distinction Between the Ideas of Eusebius of Caesarea and Ambrose of Milan)
- 18.00 Dinner
- Wednesday, 16 September
- 9.00 Dr Sorina Cristina Soare (University of Florence): Populism and Democracy: an Open Bet
- 10.30 Dr Monika Wichłacz (Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław): Identity Construction – Hybrids and Diasporas
- Panel with PhD candidates papers (Chair: Dr Sorina Cristina Soare)
- 12.00 Michał Banaś (Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław): Nationalism and Populism in the Programmes of Candidates in Presidential Elections of 2015 in Poland
- 13.00 Lunch
- 14.00 Polish is Fun - The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, University of Wrocław (Last year edition of Polish is fun)
- 19.00 Panel discussion (Karczma Piastów)
- 20.00 Official Dinner
- Thursday, 17 September
- 9.00 Prof. Jan Sokol (Charles University in Prague): The European Idea of Nation
- 11.00 Dr Giorgia Bulli (University of Florence): Populism and the Extreme Right. The Case of Casa Pound Italia
- 13.00 Lunch
- Panel with PhD candidates papers (Chair: Dr Giorgia Bulli)
- 14.30 Bartosz Wujec, Kamil Pluta (Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław): Identification, Attitudes and Election Motives of Paweł Kukiz’s Electorate in Presidential Elections 2015
- 15.30 Lydmyla Ivanyuk (University of Vienna): The Churches and the National Identity in Ukraine
- 18.00 Dinner
- Friday, 18 September
- Panel with PhD candidates papers (Chair: Dr Radu Preda, Dr Piotr Sula)
- 9.00 Gabriel Mapulanga (University of Vienna): African Nationalism and its Challenges: The Case of Zambia
- 11.00 Michaela Rušinová (Trnava University, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts): On Some Theoretical and Practical Consequences of Perceptual Relativism
- 13.00 Lunch
- 14.30 Oana Ştefan (Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest): The Scottish Referendum, Relative Impact of Populist Nationalism in Modern-Day Europe
- 16.30 Zhanna Mylogorodska (Leipzig University): PEGIDA in Saxony
- 18.00 Dinner
- Saturday, 19 September
- Museum Gross-Rosen and Castle Książ
- Sunday, 20 September
- Panorama Racławicka and guided tour in Wrocław
- Monday, 21 September
- 9.00 Dr Piotr Sula: Populism of Political Parties in Hungary and Poland
- Panel with PhD candidates papers (Chair: Dr Maciej Herbut)
- 10.30 Tetiana Toma (Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest): The Rights of the Minorities in Ukraine – Between the European Aspiration and the Anachronistic Nationalism
- 11.45 Mihai Avram (Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest): Impediments in Building National Identity Awareness a Case Study of the Situation of the Romanian Minority in the Timoc Valley, Serbia
- 13.00 Lunch
- 15.00 Movie and discussion about problems with radical movements in CEE countries arranged at the Regional Centre for International Debate
- 18.00 Dinner