Central Europe and Colonialism: Migrations, Knowledges, Perspectives, Commodities#
- September 21-23, 2016, Wrocław, Poland
Live streaming is available here
Wednesday, 2016-09-21
- 08:30 - 09:00 Registration
- 09:00 - 09:30 Welcome Addresses
- Marcin Cieński, Dean, Faculty of Philology, University of Wrocław
- Tadeusz Luty, Director, Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub
- Siegfried Huigen, Faculty of Philology, University of Wrocław; Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub
- 09:30 - 10:45 Session 1 | Commodities 1, Session Chair: Michael North
- 09:30-10:00 Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, Warsaw, Twisted Ways of Commodities in the Early Modern Era and the Positioning of Poland on the Map of Colonialism
- 10:00-10:15 Werner Scheltjens, Leipzig, Commodity Flows between Central Europe and the New World
- 10:15-10:45 Discussion
- 10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break
- 11:15-12:45 Session 2 | Central European Export Industries in a Globalized Space and in the ‘Longue durée’ from the 15th to the 20th Century, Session Chair: Renate Pieper
- 11:15-11:30 Torsten dos Santos Arnold, Frankfurt/Oder, Central Europe and the Portuguese, Spanish and French Atlantic, 15th to 19th Centuries
- 11:30-11:45 Samuel Eleazar Wendt, Frankfurt/Oder, Tropical Raw Materials for New Industries: the Impact of Rubber and Palm Oil in Wilhelmine Germany, 1871-1918
- 11:45-12:15 Klaus Weber, Frankfurt/Oder, Central European Geography, Foreign Trade, and the Category of Space in German Scholarship
- 12:15-12:45 Discussion
- 12:45 - 14:00 Lunch | Bazylia Bar, Kuźnicza 42, Wrocław
- 14:00-15:45 Session 3 | Knowledges 1, Session Chair: Pieter Emmer
- 14:00-14:30 Maria Leuker, Cologne, Circulation in Spaces of Knowledge between Asia and Europe. Rumphius’ Amboinsche Rariteitkamer (1705) and its Poetics of Knowledge
- 14:30-15:00 Esther Helena Arens & Charlotte Kießling, Cologne, Locals, Knowledge and Force. Rumphius’ Rariteitkamer and Kruid-Boek as Colonial Contact Zones
- 15:00-15:15 Damien Tricoire, Halle-Wittenberg, Beňovský on Madagascar: the Self-Fashioning and Knowledge Production of a Central European Actor in the French Colonial Empire
- 15:15-15:45 Discussion
- 15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
- 19:00 Welcome Dinner | Bernard Pub&Restaurant, Rynek 35, Wrocław
Thursday, 2016-09-22
- 09:30-11:00 Session 4 | Knowledges 2, Session Chair: Dariusz Kołodziejczyk
- 09:30-10:00 Theo D’haen, Leuven, World Literature and the Colonial World
- 10:00-10:15 Sofiya Grachova, Washington, Physical Anthropology, Medical Ethnography, and Cultural Hierarchies: the Cases of Ukrainians and Eastern European Jews (1890s to 1930)
- 10:15-10:30 Tamir Karkason, Jerusalem, Ottoman-Jewish Maskilim (Enlighteners) and their Austro-Hungarian Counterparts: A Case Study
- 10:30-11:00 Discussion
- 11:00-11:15 Coffee break
- 11:15-12:45 Session 5 | Perspectives 1, Session Chair: Dirk Uffelmann
- 11:15-11:45 Madina Tlostanova, Linköping, From Resistance to Re-Existence: Postcolonial /Postsocialist Junctures and Decolonial Options
- 11:45-12:00 Jan Surman, Marburg, Habsburg Postcolonial? Postcolonial Perspectives on Entangled Spaces
- 12:00-12:15 Anca Baicoianu, Bucharest, Grounds for Comparison: The Postcolonial and the Post-Soviet
- 12:15-12:30 Kinga Siewior, Kraków, Transfers of Power and Tradition in Polish Resettlement Novel
- 10:30-11:00 Discussion
- 13:00-14:00 Lunch | Bazylia Bar, Kuźnicza 42, Wrocław
- 14:00-15:30 Session 6 | Perspectives 2, Session Chair: Theo D'haen
- 14:00-14:15 Raul Cârstocea, Flensburg, The Unbearable Virtues of Backwardness: Mircea Eliade’s Conceptualisation of Colonialism and his Attraction to Romania’s Interwar Fascist Movement
- 14:15-14:30 Agnieszka Sadecka, New Dehli/Tuebingen, Reportage from the (Post-)Contact Zone: Polish Travellers’ Take on British Colonialism in India
- 14:30-14:45 Andrei Sorescu, London, The Many Meanings of “Colonisation” in Nineteenth-Century Romania
- 14:45-15:00 Benjamin Thorpe, Nottingham, Eurafrica as a Pan-European Vehicle for Central European Colonialism (1923-1939)
- 15:00-15:30 Discussion
- 15:30-15:45 Coffee break
- 15:45-17:15 Session 7 | Perspectives 3, Session Chair: Dorota Kołodziejczyk
- 15:45-16:15 Dirk Uffelmann, Passau, Tropes of “Central Europe”: Anti-Colonialism and Strategic Realism
- 16:15-16:30 Rosamund Johnston, New York, Radio Empire? Czechoslovak International Broadcasting to Africa in the 1960s
- 16:30-16:45 Nikolic Anja, Belgrade, Joseph Conrad – The Clash of the National and Imperial
- 16:45-17:15 Discussion
Friday, 2016-09-23
- 09:00-10:30 Session 8 | Perspectives 4, Session Chair: Madina Tlostanova
- 09:00-09:15 Miriam Finkelstein, Innsbruck, Soviet Colonialism Reloaded. Encounters between Russians and Central Europeans in Contemporary Literature about Berlin
- 09:15-09:30 Róisín Healy, Galway, Reflections on Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism in Ireland and Poland
- 09:30-09:45 Mateusz Świetlicki, Wrocław, “If There’s War Between the Sexes Then There’ll Be No People Left” - (Post)Colonial Men and Masculinity in Serhiy Zhadan’s Fiction
- 09:45-10:00 Jawad Daheur, Strasbourg, «They Handle with Blacks Just As with Us»: German Colonialism in Cameroon in the Eyes of Poles (1885-1914)
- 10:00-10:30 Discussion
- 10:30-10:45 Coffee break
- 11:15-12:45 Session 9 | Migrations 1, Session Chair: Miriam Finkelstein
- 10:45-11:15 Mark Häberlein, Bamberg, The Strange Career of Johann Matthias Kramer – Migration, Language, and the Circulation of Information in Eighteenth-Century Central Europe
- 11:15-11:30 Jochen Lingelbach, Leipzig, Polish Refugees in Africa – Central Europeans and Their Position within Colonial Society
- 11:30-11:45 Julia Malitska, Stockholm, The Golden Cage: Imperial Politics, Colonist Rank and Marriage in the Nineteenth-Century Black Sea Steppe
- 11:45-12:00 William O’Reilly, Cambridge, Out-Sourcing an Empire? German Migration, Colonialism and Discourses of Difference in 18Th-Century Hungary, Russia and North America
- 12:00-12:30 Discussion
- 12:30-13:45 Lunch | Bazylia Bar, Kuźnicza 42, Wrocław
- 14:00-15:30 Session 10 | Migrations 2, Session Chair: Mateusz Świetlicki
- 13:45-14:00 Helge Wendt, Berlin, Central European Missionaries in Sudan. Geopolitics and Alternative Colonialism in Mid-Nineteenth Century Africa
- 14:00-14:15 Jagoda Wierzejska, Warsaw, An Eastern European “Sahib” in the Former Colony of the Western Powers: Andrzej Bobkowski in Guatemala (1948-1961)
- 14:15-14:30 Andrew Zonderman, Atlanta, The “Steel Which Gives Them Edge”: German-Speaking Soldiers and the British East India Company in the Eighteenth Century
- 14:30-15:00 Discussion
- 15:00-15:30 Coffee break
- 15:30-15:45 Conference closing
& Biograms and Abstracts.pdf
Full information is available here
Central Europe and Colonialism: Migrations, Knowledges, Perspectives, Commodities - Call for Papers!#
The Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Wrocław and the University of Wrocław invite young scholars (PhD candidates and postdocs), to take part in the Seminar Central Europe and Colonialism: Migrations, Knowledges, Perspectives, Commodities, to be held in Wrocław (Poland) on 21-23 September 2016.#
Central Europe has not yet been an object of keener interest in (post)colonial studies. However, not only did large numbers of Central Europeans migrate to the (former) colonial world, but Central Europeans also provided personnel to occupy, administer and police colonial empires,and reflected on colonial experiences at the levels of high and popular culture. Even if largely excluded from colonial politics at an international level, Central Europeans played an important role in generating new discourses based on data gathered in the colonial contact zone. Publications on exotic worlds circulated widely in Central Europe and inspired new conceptions of world history, world literature, and cosmopolitanism, in conjunction with new concepts of human nature (esp. a division of humanity in races) and ecology, with wide ranging consequences for world history.
A closer look at the role of Central European actors in imperial domains can contradict the supposed consistency of colonial discourses. Although Central Europeans in colonial territories blended into the colonial ruling class and acted in a transnational capacity as ‘Europeans’, they nevertheless preserved shades of difference. Focussing on these differences might put the supposed sameness of colonisers into perspective.
In addition, their in-between position brought Central Europeans into contact with both the West European imperial powers and Russia, which made the Central European experiences and perspectives in many ways richer than those of the colonial powers themselves, where close contacts with specific territories tended to marginalise perceptions of other parts of the world. Therefore, an important point to discusswould be the role Central Europe played in developing notions of globalism.
On the other hand, large parts of Central Europe experienced a similar fate at the hand of the great powers (recently from the Soviet Union) as countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Just as (post)colonial studies examines the colonial past of these areas, scholars have recently started to explore the same processes in Central Europe.
Finally, increasingly global trade networks, brought about by the expansion of European colonialism, impacted on material culture, whether via the importation of new commodities to Central Europe, or the export of manufactured goods. The conference also aims at furthering investigations in this field.
The themes of the conference will be covered in four panels:
- Migrations deals with both permanent migration from Central Europe to (erstwhile) colonies of the West European powers and Russia, and with temporary labour migration of colonial soldiers, missionaries, technicians, colonial civil servants and, in the case of Russia, of convicts and political prisoners.
- Knowledges explores the genesis of various discourses that developed in relationship with the colonial world, to which actors from Central Europe made important contributions, such as geography, social and cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, Oriental studies, (world) history, and thinking on cosmopolitanism and globalism. Furthermore, knowledge production relating to coloniality in Central European travel writing and literature will be considered.
- Within Perspectives, insights from (post)colonial studies are applied to the history and culture of Central Europe, with a special focus on ambiguities ensuing from complex situations of dependence and domination. We invite reflection on methodologies of conceptualizing Central Europe (its history, self-identity) vis-à-vis Western Europe (a contentious term as it is) and Russia (and the Soviet Union); the role of nationalism in developing anti-imperial counter-discourses in the region and transitional states (postcommunist, post-World War I and II) as opening up revisionary insights into the past and new visions of the future.
- Commodities examines the exports of manufactures from Central Europe to the New World and the imports of products from the Americas and Asia to Central Europe. In this respect,especially, the reception and the impact of cultural “colonial” commodities on the material culture in everyday life of the region will be considered.
We understand Central Europe as an area stretching from the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the East and to the German speaking regions in the West. The time range covered by the conference stretches from Early Modernity to the post-World WarTwo period and involves the colonial history of both the West European powers and Russia.
The conference will be held in Wrocław, Poland, 21-23 September 2016. It is a joint venture between the European Academy of Science / AcademiaEuropaea (Knowledge Hub, Wrocław) and the Faculty of Philology of the University of Wrocław. A selection of papers will be published. The conference is the last in a series of four symposia, which bring together established scholars with early career researchers, particularly from East Central Europe.
Invited speakers:
- Theo D'Haen (Leuven)
- Katrin Flikschuh
(London School of Economics)
- Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann
- Dariusz Kolodziejczyk
- Mark Haeberlein
- Madina Tlostanova
- Przemysław Czaplinski
- Dirk Uffelmann
APPLICATION: The registration is available at: http://www.acadeuro.wroclaw.pl

REQUIREMENTS: Presenters are required to submit a 3,000-5,000 word description or excerpt (i.e., chapter, article, etc.) to be circulated among participants by March 1, 2016. All workshop participants are asked to read these submissions prior to the workshop. The paper should be an unpublished one. Presenters who do not meet the submission deadline will not be able to present their work.
FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: The organizers will cover the conference fee and the costs of accommodation (up to 4 nights), travel (up to a certain maximum: Western Europe – up to 100 EUR; Central and Eastern Europe – up to 150 EUR) and insurance.
Organising Committee:
- Pieter Emmer (History, Leiden)
- Siegfried Huigen (Dutch and South African Studies, Wrocław)
- Dorota Kołodziejczyk
(Postcolonial Studies Centre, Wrocław)
- Michael North (History, Greifswald)
- Aleksandra Nowak (Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub)
- Renate Pieper (History, Graz)
- Dorota Praszałowicz
(American & Migration Studies, Krakow)