News Archive - Philosophy, theology and religious section #

The Book of Esther between Judaism and Christianity

Read the new publication by Prof. Isaac Kalimi where he demostrates why the book of Esther became one of the central books of Judaism and one of the most neglected books in Christianity.

Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible

Why did the biblical writers choose the specific words they did? The book by Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies of Academia Europaea, investigates this question by exploring the use of literary-stylistic metathesis in the Hebrew Bible.

Writing and rewriting history

Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures.
A new book by Professor Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies of Academia Europaea.
The articles in the book discuss recent developments in the analysis of history and historiography in ancient Israel and its surrounding cultures.

Fighting over the Bible

A publication by Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies section.
The book explores the conflicts between mainstream Jews and their internal and external opponents, especially between particular Jewish groups such as Pharisees, Sadducees, Qumranites, Samaritans, Rabbanites and Karaites, as well as with Christians and Muslims regarding their interpretations of Jewish Scripture.

Letter from the Class Chair Svend Erik Larsen

Letter to members of Class A1: Humanities from the Class Chair Svend Erik Larsen
December 4 2017

Berggruen Prize to Onora O'Neill

2017 Berggruen Prize for Philosophy & Culture awarded to Prof. Onora Sylvia O’Neill

Holberg Prize 2017

The Holberg Prize 2017 awarded to British scholar and Philosophy Professor Onora O'Neill.

Funding Policies and Research Values - Strategies, Prospects, Risks, Needs

Workshop organized by Cinzia Ferrini, member of the PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES section

Rescher Prize

Rescher Prize Award for Jürgen Mittelstrass

Basic Ideas in Sciences NATURAL LAW

The Concept of Law in Science, June 4-5, 2012

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