AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Film, Media and Visual Studies
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AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Film, Media and Visual Studies
- Advertising as culture, advertising as a show
- Analysis of advertising circulation in the current speech
- Health prevention and communication linked to rare cancers, social communication and advertising models
- Linguistic representations and imagination related to the language of advertising
- Rising of an advertising digital literacy
- Semio-communicational approach of advertising discourse and media discourses
- Theoritical definition of advertising discourses (stereotypes, intertextuality, aura of commodity, power of representation and political role)
- Aesthetics
- Aesthetics
- Digital aesthetics
- Film aesthetics
- Media Aesthetics
- Ageing
- Ageing People, consumption discourses and IT
- Cultural production in the data age
- Media and ageing
- Studies of representations of ageing women in the media
- Activity analyses
- Analyses of interpersonal communication devices
- Analysis of advertising circulation in the current speech
- Analysis of contemporary brand discourses transformations
- Analysis of media transformations
- Critical discourse analysis, materiality of discourse
- Media and cultural analysis
- Media theory and analysis
- Methods and Methodology: quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; ex-perimental designs, multimethod designs
- Performance and film analysis
- Text and discourse analysis
- Anthropology of arts
- Cultural and visual anthropology
- Social and cultural anthropology
- Visual, media and digital anthropology
- Anthropology of arts
- Art History and Archeology (historiographic focus)
- Art History and its Media
- Art and technology
- Art historiography
- Contemporary Art
- Digital and Media Art Research
- History and sociology of performance arts
- Media art history
- Memory, trauma and witnessing in Arts and Media
- Modern Art
- Process arts (videographic, auditive, installative, and performative arts as well as the virtual / hypertextual cultural practices)
- Science and art
- Visual arts and visual culture (drama, film; contemporary aesthetics; intermediality, acting and improvisation)
- Audience and reception studies
- Audience dynamics
- Audience engagement and collaboration in museums and other heritage organisations
- Audience research
- Audience studies
- Audience studies
- European media and European audiences
- Film audiences
- Media audience studies
- Media audiences
- Media audiences, especially the audiences for news media
- Mediatization related transformations of journalism, audiences, and media systems
- Communication for development and social change
- Communication for development and social change
- Media change and transformations of the Public Sphere (since the 19th Century)
- Media transformations and social change
- Publics and youth in the changing digital media landscape
- Children and media
- Children and media with particular focus on children's online risks and opportunities
- Children, youth and media
- Children’s and adolescents’ psychosocial well-being
- Balkan cinema
- Cinema and cultural memory
- Cinema and nation
- Cinema studies
- European cinemas
- History and sociology of cinema
- Identity representation and construction in cinema
- Ireland and cinema
- Latin American cinemas
- Silent cinema
- World cinema
- Analyses of interpersonal communication devices
- Communication and information technologies
- Communication for development and social change
- Communication for development and social change
- Communication history
- Communication law and policy
- Communication science
- Communication studies
- Communication theory
- Communication theory
- Contents and effects of political communication (esp. social networks, mobile phones)
- Digital communication
- Digital media and communication policy
- European communication history
- Gender studies in communication studies
- Health and science communication
- Health communication
- Health communication
- Health prevention and communication linked to rare cancers, social communication and advertising models
- History of the internet and the web as a medium and as a means of communication
- Humanitarian communication
- Information and communication technologies
- Information and communication technology
- International Communication
- International health communication
- Mass communication
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Media and communication studies
- Media and communication studies
- Media and communication theory
- Media sociology and mass communication
- Media theory, digital communication and data storytelling
- Media theory, digital communication and sociology of consumption
- Media, communications and culture
- Mediated communication and democratic development
- Mobile communication and news
- News, post-truth and political communication
- Online communication
- Organizational communication
- Political communication
- Political communication
- Political economy of communication
- Political economy of communication
- Political economy of mass communications
- Relationship between media, communication and resistance
- Science communication
- Social consequences of mobile communication
- Social uses and consequences of communication technologies
- Sociology of cultural and communication processes
- Television studies and visual communication
- Theories of communication
- Theories of communication and media studies
- Theories of information and communication
- Transnational and transcultural communication
- Transnational communication
- Comparative ethnography
- Comparative literature
- Comparative media
- Comparative studies
- Comparative studies of mediated interactions
- Ageing People, consumption discourses and IT
- Consumption at a aistance
- Cross-media news consumption
- Cultural production and consumption in contemporary culture industries
- Media consumption and the production of value in cultural industries
- Media theory, digital communication and sociology of consumption
- Teenagers and consumption discourses
- Analysis of contemporary brand discourses transformations
- Contemporary Art
- Contemporary European history (especially in a transnational perspective)
- Contemporary theatre practice
- Cultural production and consumption in contemporary culture industries
- European television and media culture in an international context
- Media and identities in national and transnational contexts
- Uses of instant messaging in professional contexts
- Framing the European crisis
- Humanitarian crises in the media
- Refugee crisis
- Critical data studies
- Critical discourse analysis, materiality of discourse
- Critical theories of the digital
- Critical theory
- Critical theory
- Cinema and cultural memory
- Cultural heritage studies
- Cultural and visual anthropology
- Cultural citizenship
- Cultural criminology
- Cultural dimensions of mediatization
- Cultural histories of performance
- Cultural history of media (telegraphy, press, film, radio and television)
- Cultural industries
- Cultural mediation
- Cultural memory
- Cultural processes
- Cultural production and consumption in contemporary culture industries
- Cultural production in the data age
- Cultural studies
- Cultural studies
- Cultural studies and media research
- Cultural studies and popular culture (entertainment theories, audience and genre research, reality TV, contemporary drama series)
- Cultural theory
- Intermedial interplays between cultural genres and media forms
- Material and cultural studies (museology, biographies of artefacts)
- Media & Cultural Production
- Media and cultural analysis
- Media consumption and the production of value in cultural industries
- Negotiation of racial and cultural identities, immigrant racial incorporation
- Social and cultural anthropology
- Social and cultural theory
- Social aspects of datafied museums and cultural heritage
- Social participation through cultural productions
- Sociology of cultural and communication processes
- Sociology of cultural processes and media
- Evidence-based interventions against cyberbullying and the role of schools, the police and news media
- Impact of cyberbullying
- Prevalence of cyberbullying and the profiles of bullies and victims
- Big data/deep data research methodology
- Critical data studies
- Cultural production in the data age
- Data and everyday life
- Data and research ethics
- Data privacy and public values in data-driven technologies
- Media theory, digital communication and data storytelling
- Methods and Methodology: quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; ex-perimental designs, multimethod designs
- Urban big data
- Case studies on innovation and user-centered design: mediated encounters
- Design research
- Designing a geo-localized collection game for mobile phones and the internet: game, quasi-encounters and sociability
- Digital auras: Design of a proximity-sensitive matching service for mobile phones
- Methods and Methodology: quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; ex-perimental designs, multimethod designs
- Sound design
- Communication for development and social change
- Communication for development and social change
- Media development
- Mediated communication and democratic development
- Critical theories of the digital
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities and interdisciplinarity
- Digital Media
- Digital aesthetics
- Digital and Media Art Research
- Digital and communicative aspects of culture
- Digital auras: Design of a proximity-sensitive matching service for mobile phones
- Digital communication
- Digital culture
- Digital culture heritage (archives, museums)
- Digital exclusion/inclusion
- Digital humanities and epistemologies of the humanities
- Digital interactive media
- Digital journalism
- Digital media
- Digital media and communication policy
- Digital media and multiliteracies
- Digital media and society
- Digital media culture
- Digital media in personal relationships
- Digital media use
- Digital mediation in social and economic life
- Digital methodology in Humanities
- Digital methods
- Digital news journalism
- Digital platform governance
- Digital platforms
- Digital research methodologies
- Digital resilience and forms of governance against information disruptions (disinformation, fake narratives, instigations to conflict)
- Digital sociology
- Digital technology innovation
- Digital, visual and sensory ethnography
- Dysfunctions of digital public spheres
- Governance of and by digital technology
- Information and Digital economy
- Media theory, digital communication and data storytelling
- Media theory, digital communication and sociology of consumption
- Oral history and digital heritage
- Publics and youth in the changing digital media landscape
- Rising of an advertising digital literacy
- Television as heritage/Digital television heritage
- Transformation of the public sphere through digital media
- Use of digital research tools and methods
- Visual, media and digital anthropology
- Youth digital engagement and wellbeing
- Aesthetical Discourse (history and theory of taste)
- Ageing People, consumption discourses and IT
- Analysis of contemporary brand discourses transformations
- Construction of national identities in public memory discourses in the media
- Critical discourse analysis, materiality of discourse
- Media and artistic discourses on flight and migration
- Semio-communicational approach of advertising discourse and media discourses
- Teenagers and consumption discourses
- Text and discourse analysis
- Theoritical definition of advertising discourses (stereotypes, intertextuality, aura of commodity, power of representation and political role)
- Disinformation
- Disinformation
- Disinformation and polarisation
- Ecology
- Media ecologies
- Media ecology
- Media ecology
- Information and Digital economy
- Media economy
- Political economy
- Political economy of communication
- Political economy of communication
- Political economy of mass communications
- Political economy of the media
- Contents and effects of political communication (esp. social networks, mobile phones)
- Effects of media use
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Media effects
- Media effects
- Media effects on health and risk-related outcomes
- Media use and effects
- News frames and framing effect
- Emotion in politics
- Emotions / affect
- Emotions and Media
- Audience engagement and collaboration in museums and other heritage organisations
- Citizen engagement through Media
- Popular culture, civic engagement and participation
- Youth digital engagement and wellbeing
- Environmental and ecological performance
- Environmental humanities
- Environmental media studies
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Data and research ethics
- Ethics and AI
- Media ethics
- Research ethics
- Comparative ethnography
- Digital, visual and sensory ethnography
- Ethnography & folklore
- Contemporary European history (especially in a transnational perspective)
- East European Studies
- European Public Sphere
- European cinemas
- European communication history
- European identities, symbols and narratives
- European media and European audiences
- European television and media culture in an international context
- European theatre cultures
- Framing the European crisis
- History of European television
- Media representations of migrants and European Union integration
- Polish and East European Theatre: Gardzienice and Jerzy Grotowski
- Cinema-going and experience
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Media, migration and refugee experiences
- Colonial film
- Film
- Film Theory
- Film aesthetics
- Film audiences
- Film censorship
- Film history
- Film history
- Film philosophy
- Film practice research
- Film studies
- Film studies
- Film studies inc. genre studies, auteur studies and film history
- Film studies methodologies
- Film theory
- Gender and media/film
- Performance and film analysis
- Production of films
- Videographic film studies
- Framing
- Framing the European crisis
- News frames and framing effect
- Designing a geo-localized collection game for mobile phones and the internet: game, quasi-encounters and sociability
- Games for health
- Games studies
- Games studies
- Uses of mobile games and ringtones
- Gender and media/film
- Gender media studies
- Gender studies
- Gender studies
- Gender studies in communication studies
- Generation theory
- Generations
- Media and generations
- Media generations
- Film studies inc. genre studies, auteur studies and film history
- History and theory of television in relation to other media, genres and production practices
- Intermedial interplays between cultural genres and media forms
- Digital platform governance
- Digital resilience and forms of governance against information disruptions (disinformation, fake narratives, instigations to conflict)
- Governance of and by digital technology
- Media governance
- Media policy and governance
- Media regulation and governance
- Technology governance and policy
- Games for health
- Health and science communication
- Health communication
- Health communication
- Health prevention and communication linked to rare cancers, social communication and advertising models
- International health communication
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Media effects on health and risk-related outcomes
- Narratives and health
- Audience engagement and collaboration in museums and other heritage organisations
- Cultural heritage studies
- Digital culture heritage (archives, museums)
- Oral history and digital heritage
- Social aspects of datafied museums and cultural heritage
- Television as heritage/Digital television heritage
- Art History and Archeology (historiographic focus)
- Art History and its Media
- Communication history
- Contemporary European history (especially in a transnational perspective)
- Cultural histories of performance
- Cultural history of media (telegraphy, press, film, radio and television)
- European communication history
- Film history
- Film history
- Film studies inc. genre studies, auteur studies and film history
- History
- History and Theory of Photography
- History and sociology of cinema
- History and sociology of performance arts
- History and theory of television in relation to other media, genres and production practices
- History of European television
- History of technology (especially communication an information technologies)
- History of the internet and the web as a medium and as a means of communication
- History of theater
- Media art history
- Media histories
- Media history
- Media history
- Oral history and digital heritage
- Propaganda history
- Regional history (Euregio, Saar-Lox-Lux, especially German speaking part of Belgium)
- Social history of media
- Social history of the internet
- Theorizing media histories and archaeologies, automation anxiety
- Computational humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities and interdisciplinarity
- Digital humanities and epistemologies of the humanities
- Digital methodology in Humanities
- Environmental humanities
- Construction of national identities in public memory discourses in the media
- European identities, symbols and narratives
- Identity policies
- Identity representation and construction in cinema
- Intersectional interplays between identity dimensions
- Media and identities in national and transnational contexts
- Mediated identity management
- Negotiation of racial and cultural identities, immigrant racial incorporation
- Cultural industries
- Cultural production and consumption in contemporary culture industries
- Culture industries
- Media consumption and the production of value in cultural industries
- Publishing industries
- Communication and information technologies
- Digital resilience and forms of governance against information disruptions (disinformation, fake narratives, instigations to conflict)
- Information and Digital economy
- Information and communication technologies
- Information and communication technology
- Information and media literacies
- Media and information literacy
- Theories of information and communication
- Case studies on innovation and user-centered design: mediated encounters
- Digital technology innovation
- Methodological innovation and computational social science
- User innovation
- European television and media culture in an international context
- International Communication
- International health communication
- International politics
- Designing a geo-localized collection game for mobile phones and the internet: game, quasi-encounters and sociability
- History of the internet and the web as a medium and as a means of communication
- Internet
- Internet studies
- Internet studies
- Internet users and social applications of new technologies
- Media theories/methodologies and the internet
- Social history of the internet
- Suicide calls on the telephone and the internet
- Digital journalism
- Digital news journalism
- Journalism
- Journalism
- Journalism (narrative journalism, convergent journalism)
- Journalism studies
- Journalism studies
- Media and journalism cultures
- Mediatization related transformations of journalism, audiences, and media systems
- Political journalism
- Data and everyday life
- Digital mediation in social and economic life
- Media life
- Mediatization and everyday life
- 19th century French literature
- Comparative literature
- Electronic literature
- English literature
- German literature
- Literature
- Literature (avant-gardes, literary theory)
- Literature, culture and media studies
- Media management
- Mediated identity management
- Research management
- Mass communication
- Mass media and the public (sphere)
- Media sociology and mass communication
- Political economy of mass communications
- Cultural dimensions of mediatization
- Mediatization
- Mediatization
- Mediatization and everyday life
- Mediatization related transformations of journalism, audiences, and media systems
- Mediatization theory
- Mediatization theory
- Cinema and cultural memory
- Construction of national identities in public memory discourses in the media
- Cultural memory
- Memory studies
- Memory studies
- Memory, trauma and witnessing in Arts and Media
- Narratives of Shoah in visual (cultural) memory
- Post-socialist mediated memory
- Visual memory
- Digital methods
- Methods and Methodology: quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; ex-perimental designs, multimethod designs
- Methods of social research (text analysis and surveys)
- Mobile methods
- Qualitative and online methods
- Qualitative methods
- Qualitative methods of media research
- Quantitative and qualitative empirical methods
- Theory and methods of historiography (with a focus on digital history)
- Use of digital research tools and methods
- Big data/deep data research methodology
- Digital methodology in Humanities
- Digital research methodologies
- Film studies methodologies
- Methods and Methodology: quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; ex-perimental designs, multimethod designs
- Qualitative methodology
- Research methodologies
- Survey methodology
- Media and artistic discourses on flight and migration
- Media, migration and refugee experiences
- Migration and media
- Migration and transnational families
- Designing a geo-localized collection game for mobile phones and the internet: game, quasi-encounters and sociability
- Digital auras: Design of a proximity-sensitive matching service for mobile phones
- Mobile and social media in the global south
- Mobile communication and news
- Mobile interpretation and user-generated documentation
- Mobile media
- Mobile media
- Mobile media & mobilities
- Mobile methods
- Social consequences of mobile communication
- Uses of mobile games and ringtones
- Action research with museums and media
- Audience engagement and collaboration in museums and other heritage organisations
- Co-creation and collaboration with museums
- Museum studies
- Social aspects of datafied museums and cultural heritage
- European identities, symbols and narratives
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Narrative persuasion
- Narratives and health
- Narratives of Shoah in visual (cultural) memory
- Visual and media narratives
- Cross-media news consumption
- Digital news journalism
- Evidence-based interventions against cyberbullying and the role of schools, the police and news media
- Media audiences, especially the audiences for news media
- Mobile communication and news
- News frames and framing effect
- News media
- News processing
- News, post-truth and political communication
- Children and media with particular focus on children's online risks and opportunities
- Online behavior
- Online communication
- Online interaction and relationships
- Qualitative and online methods
- Risks and opportunities afforded by online technologies
- Popular culture, civic engagement and participation
- Power, participation and publicness
- Social participation through cultural productions
- Cultural histories of performance
- Environmental and ecological performance
- History and sociology of performance arts
- Intercultural performance
- Music performance and artificial intelligence
- Performance and film analysis
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Narrative persuasion
- Persuasion
- Film philosophy
- Media Philosophy
- Philosophy (ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary) with emphasis on the problem of time
- Philosophy and education
- Philosophy and neuroscience
- Communication law and policy
- Digital media and communication policy
- Identity policies
- Media and telecommunications policy
- Media policy
- Media policy and governance
- Research policy
- Technology governance and policy
- Contents and effects of political communication (esp. social networks, mobile phones)
- Feminist thinking on technology and the political
- News, post-truth and political communication
- Political communication
- Political communication
- Political economy
- Political economy of communication
- Political economy of communication
- Political economy of mass communications
- Political economy of the media
- Political journalism
- Political mobilization and social media
- Political/social theory
- Cultural studies and popular culture (entertainment theories, audience and genre research, reality TV, contemporary drama series)
- Popular culture
- Popular culture, civic engagement and participation
- Popular music
- Power, participation and publicness
- Symbolic power of media institutions
- Technology and social power
- Contemporary theatre practice
- Datafication of social practices
- Entertainment television and the relation between production practices and textual expressions
- Film practice research
- History and theory of television in relation to other media, genres and production practices
- Media as practice
- Media practices and urban spaces
- Practice as research
- Cultural processes
- Digitization and marketization processes
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Process arts (videographic, auditive, installative, and performative arts as well as the virtual / hypertextual cultural practices)
- Sociology of cultural and communication processes
- Sociology of cultural processes and media
- Cultural production and consumption in contemporary culture industries
- Cultural production in the data age
- Entertainment television and the relation between production practices and textual expressions
- History and theory of television in relation to other media, genres and production practices
- Media & Cultural Production
- Media consumption and the production of value in cultural industries
- Media production and institution studies
- Production of films
- Production studies
- Social participation through cultural productions
- Construction of national identities in public memory discourses in the media
- Data privacy and public values in data-driven technologies
- Dysfunctions of digital public spheres
- European Public Sphere
- Mass media and the public (sphere)
- Media and the public sphere
- Media change and transformations of the Public Sphere (since the 19th Century)
- Public opinion research
- Public sphere
- Public sphere theory
- Publics and youth in the changing digital media landscape
- Theories of the public (esp. three-level model of the public sphere)
- Transformation of the public sphere through digital media
- Methods and Methodology: quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; ex-perimental designs, multimethod designs
- Qualitative and online methods
- Qualitative methodology
- Qualitative methods
- Qualitative methods of media research
- Qualitative research
- Quantitative and qualitative empirical methods
- Freedom of expression and content censorship and regulation
- Media regulation
- Media regulation and governance
- Digital media in personal relationships
- Online interaction and relationships
- Relationship between media, communication and resistance
- Diasporic media and representations of ethnicity
- Identity representation and construction in cinema
- Linguistic representations and imagination related to the language of advertising
- Media representations of migrants and European Union integration
- Media representations of protest
- Representations of war and conflict
- Studies of representations of ageing women in the media
- Theories of media representation
- Action research with museums and media
- Art-based Research (bio-art and bio-media)
- Audience research
- Big data/deep data research methodology
- Cultural studies and media research
- Data and research ethics
- Design research
- Digital and Media Art Research
- Digital research methodologies
- Experimental research
- Film practice research
- Methods of social research (text analysis and surveys)
- Practice as research
- Privacy research
- Public opinion research
- Qualitative methods of media research
- Qualitative research
- Research assessment
- Research ethics
- Research management
- Research methodologies
- Research policy
- Use of digital research tools and methods
- Children and media with particular focus on children's online risks and opportunities
- Risk
- Risks and opportunities afforded by online technologies
- Automation and artificial intelligence from a humanistic social science perspective
- Communication science
- Computer science
- Health and science communication
- Image Science
- Methodological innovation and computational social science
- Popularisation of science and medicine
- Science and art
- Science and technology studies
- Science and technology studies (STS)
- Science communication
- Science fiction, technology and utopian thinking
- Automation and artificial intelligence from a humanistic social science perspective
- Communication for development and social change
- Communication for development and social change
- Datafication of social practices
- Digital mediation in social and economic life
- Health prevention and communication linked to rare cancers, social communication and advertising models
- Internet users and social applications of new technologies
- Media transformations and social change
- Mediated social interaction
- Methodological innovation and computational social science
- Methods of social research (text analysis and surveys)
- Mobile and social media in the global south
- New and emerging technologies, social uses of technologies
- Political mobilization and social media
- Political/social theory
- Social acceleration
- Social and cultural anthropology
- Social and cultural theory
- Social aspects of datafied museums and cultural heritage
- Social consequences of mobile communication
- Social history of media
- Social history of the internet
- Social media
- Social media
- Social media use
- Social movements
- Social network sites
- Social network society
- Social participation through cultural productions
- Social robotics
- Social theory
- Social theory
- Social transformations
- Social uses and consequences of communication technologies
- Technology and social power
- Digital sociology
- History and sociology of cinema
- History and sociology of performance arts
- Media sociology
- Media sociology and mass communication
- Media theory, digital communication and sociology of consumption
- Sociology
- Sociology of cultural and communication processes
- Sociology of cultural processes and media
- Dysfunctions of digital public spheres
- European Public Sphere
- Media and the public sphere
- Media change and transformations of the Public Sphere (since the 19th Century)
- Public sphere
- Public sphere theory
- Transformation of the public sphere through digital media
- Affect studies
- American studies
- Audience and reception studies
- Audience studies
- Audience studies
- Case studies on innovation and user-centered design: mediated encounters
- Celebrity studies
- China studies
- Cinema studies
- Communication studies
- Comparative studies
- Comparative studies of mediated interactions
- Critical data studies
- Cultural heritage studies
- Cultural studies
- Cultural studies
- Cultural studies and media research
- Cultural studies and popular culture (entertainment theories, audience and genre research, reality TV, contemporary drama series)
- East European Studies
- Environmental media studies
- Feminist media studies
- Feminist studies
- Film studies
- Film studies
- Film studies inc. genre studies, auteur studies and film history
- Film studies methodologies
- Games studies
- Games studies
- Gender media studies
- Gender studies
- Gender studies
- Gender studies in communication studies
- Globalization studies
- Intermedia studies
- Internet studies
- Internet studies
- Journalism studies
- Journalism studies
- Joyce studies
- Literature, culture and media studies
- Material and cultural studies (museology, biographies of artefacts)
- Media and communication studies
- Media and communication studies
- Media audience studies
- Media production and institution studies
- Media studies
- Media studies
- Memory studies
- Memory studies
- Museum studies
- Production studies
- Reception studies
- Religious studies (superstition, the body, cultural foundations of religions; contemporary religious endeavors)
- Science and technology studies
- Science and technology studies (STS)
- Screen studies
- Sociological studies on the uses of ICTs
- Studies of representations of ageing women in the media
- Television studies
- Television studies and visual communication
- Theories of communication and media studies
- Videographic film studies
- Visual Culture Studies
- Visual Studies and its Boundaries (mirrors, frames and ‘immediacy’)
- Visual studies
- Youth media studies
- AI explainabilty and the politics of technology and epistemic cultures
- Art and technology
- Communication and information technologies
- Data privacy and public values in data-driven technologies
- Digital technology innovation
- Educational technologies (edtech)
- Feminist thinking on technology and the political
- Governance of and by digital technology
- History of technology (especially communication an information technologies)
- Information and communication technologies
- Information and communication technology
- Internet users and social applications of new technologies
- Media technologies
- New and emerging technologies, social uses of technologies
- Risks and opportunities afforded by online technologies
- Science and technology studies
- Science and technology studies (STS)
- Science fiction, technology and utopian thinking
- Social uses and consequences of communication technologies
- Technology
- Technology and social power
- Technology and society
- Technology governance and policy
- Entertainment television and the relation between production practices and textual expressions
- European television and media culture in an international context
- History and theory of television in relation to other media, genres and production practices
- History of European television
- Television and culture
- Television as heritage/Digital television heritage
- Television studies
- Television studies and visual communication
- Communication theory
- Communication theory
- Critical theories of the digital
- Critical theory
- Critical theory
- Cultural theory
- Film Theory
- Film theory
- Generation theory
- History and Theory of Photography
- History and theory of television in relation to other media, genres and production practices
- Literary theory
- Media Theory
- Media and communication theory
- Media theory
- Media theory and analysis
- Media theory, digital communication and data storytelling
- Media theory, digital communication and sociology of consumption
- Mediatization theory
- Mediatization theory
- Political/social theory
- Psychoanalytic literary theory
- Public sphere theory
- Social and cultural theory
- Social theory
- Social theory
- Systems theory
- Theories of communication
- Theories of communication and media studies
- Theories of information and communication
- Theories of media representation
- Theories of performer training and performing
- Theories of the everyday
- Theories of the public (esp. three-level model of the public sphere)
- Theory and methods of historiography (with a focus on digital history)
- Theory of media entertainment
- AI and the transformation of knowlege cultures
- Analysis of contemporary brand discourses transformations
- Analysis of media transformations
- Media change and transformations of the Public Sphere (since the 19th Century)
- Media transformations and social change
- Mediatization related transformations of journalism, audiences, and media systems
- Social transformations
- Transformation of the public sphere through digital media
- Media and identities in national and transnational contexts
- Migration and transnational families
- Transnational and transcultural communication
- Transnational communication
- Digital media use
- Effects of media use
- Media Processes and Effects: narrative experience and persuasion, cultivation, media use, environmental and health communication
- Media structure and use in the Baltic Sea region
- Media use and effects
- Media use and media contents
- Social media use
- Use of digital research tools and methods
- Data privacy and public values in data-driven technologies
- Media consumption and the production of value in cultural industries
- Value orientations, value structures and mental structures
- Cultural and visual anthropology
- Digital, visual and sensory ethnography
- Narratives of Shoah in visual (cultural) memory
- Television studies and visual communication
- Visual Culture Studies
- Visual Studies and its Boundaries (mirrors, frames and ‘immediacy’)
- Visual and media narratives
- Visual arts and visual culture (drama, film; contemporary aesthetics; intermediality, acting and improvisation)
- Visual culture
- Visual language
- Visual memory
- Visual studies
- Visual, media and digital anthropology
- Diversity in media work
- Media work
- Work of operators in call centers (banking and telecom sectors)
- Children, youth and media
- Publics and youth in the changing digital media landscape
- Youth
- Youth digital engagement and wellbeing
- Youth media studies
- Adolescents
- Adolescents/children and media
- Algorithmic culture
- Algorithms and artificial intelligence
- Alternative media
- Archiving the web
- Artificial creative agency
- Autoethnorgaphy
- Baudelaire
- Bildwissenschaft
- Co-present and aistributed courts of law
- Counter-cultures
- Creation, exhibition, and sharing of archival resources
- Culture and perception
- Cyberculture
- Datafication
- Directors' theatre
- Essay filmmaking
- Experimental media
- Feminism and media
- Found footage filmmaking
- Global culture and media
- Godard and French Nouvelle Vague
- Hollywood melodrama
- Holocaust
- Homelessness and media
- Human creativity
- Inclusion and exclusion by/to the media
- Leisure
- Marxism
- Media
- Media
- Media activism and citizenship
- Media and democracy
- Media and food markets
- Media and immigration
- Media and mobility
- Media and space (geomedia)
- Media and tourism
- Media archaeology
- Media archeology
- Media convergence
- Media culture
- Media cultures
- Media domestication
- Media evolution
- Media literacy
- Media literacy, competence and skills
- Media mutations
- Media politics
- Media psychology
- Media resistance
- Media rituals
- Media solidarities
- Media strategies of activists
- Media systems
- Mediated temporalities
- Mise en scène
- Mixed and virtual reality
- Modernism
- New materialism
- New media
- Participatory culture
- Perec and automatic writing
- Philology
- Photography
- Photography
- Populism
- Post-Soviet media systems
- Post-cinema
- Presence
- Regional media markets
- Regulatory effectiveness and failure
- Religion
- Semiotics
- Smart cities
- Socialization
- Spanish-language theatre- and filmmakers
- Surveillance and societal control
- Suzuki training and Eastern theatre forms
- Theoretical status of the brand name
- Transmedia literay
- Transmedia storytelling
- Video
- Violence in the media
- War and conflict
- Well-being
- Wellbeing
- e-Government