NON-UK based members#
1.Click on this link Acad_Main/Payments/Membership_payments and then on the orange DONATE button. Your will see this screen:
2. Choose the correct age–related payment, or put your own figure into the blank box, then ignore everything else and click the NEXT button. Your will see this screen:
3. Click on the enter address manually link and you see this screen:
4. BEFORE YOU ENTER ANYTHING else, CLICK ON THE NEXT BUTTON AND THEN select your country. Ignore the UK postcode request. (You need to click on the enter address manually link. That way you can then select the country first, the screen will refresh and then only input the essential information.) You can then enter information into the red bordered fields only. Ignore the rest. Enter the telephone number without the plus (+) symbol or spaces: 442078625784.
5. Then click next and complete the payment details.
6. You will get an instant online confirmation screen followed by an email confirmation of the payment with a payment reference number. Keep this email in case of any problems.
If you're still having problems, contact David Coates, the Executive Secretary of Academia Europaea at