
The Wolf Prize#

The Wolf Prize is an international award granted in Israel, that has been presented most years since 1978 to living scientists and artists for "achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples ... irrespective of nationality, race, colour, religion, sex or political views."

The Wolf Prizes in physics and chemistry are often considered the most prestigious awards in those fields after the Nobel Prize. The prize in physics has gained a reputation for identifying future winners of the Nobel Prize – from the 26 prizes awarded between 1978 and 2010, fourteen winners have gone on to win the Nobel Prize, five of those in the following year

In medicine, the prize is probably the third most prestigious, after the Nobel Prize and the Lasker Award.

Until the establishment of the Abel Prize, the Wolf Prize was probably the closest equivalent of a "Nobel Prize in Mathematics", since the more prestigious Fields Medal was only awarded every four years to mathematicians under forty years old. The Prize in Agriculture has likewise been equated to a "Nobel Prize in Agriculture".

More information at Wolf Foundation website

Academia Europaea Wolf Prize Awardees#

  • 2024 Noga Alon (jointly with Adi Shamir), Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2024: “for his fundamental contributions to Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science
  • 2023: Ingrid Daubechies, USA. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2023: "for her work in wavelet theory and applied harmonic analysis"
  • 2021: Joan Steitz, USA. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 2021: "for ground-breaking discoveries on RNA processing and its function"
  • 2021: Giorgio Parisi, Italy. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 2021: "for ground-breaking discoveries in disordered systems, particle physics and statistical physics"
  • 2020: Simon Donaldson, United Kingdom (jointly with Yakov Eliashberg). Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2020: "for their contributions to differential geometry and topology"
  • 2018: Gilles Brassard, Canada (together with Charles H. Bennett). Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 2018: "for founding and advancing the fields of Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Teleportation".
  • 2014 Peter Sarnak, USA. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2014: “for deep contributions to Analysis, Number Theory, Geometry, and Combinatorics
  • 2013: Peter Zoller, Austria (together with Juan Ignacio Cirac). Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 2013: "for their groundbreaking theoretical contributions to quantum information processing, quantum optics and the physics of quantum gases"
  • 2010: Alain Aspect, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics in 2010: "for fundamental conceptual and experimental contributions to the foundations of quantum physics, specifically an increasingly sophisticated series of tests of Bell's inequalities or extensions there of using entangled quantum states".
  • 2010: Anton Zeilinger, Austria. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics in 2010: "for fundamental conceptual and experimental contributions to the foundations of quantum physics, specifically an increasingly sophisticated series of tests of Bell's inequalities or extensions there of using entangled quantum states".
  • 2010: Axel Ullrich, Germany. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 2010: "for his pioneering contributions to the discovery and characterization of human proto-onco-genes and the development of novel cancer therapies".
  • 2010: David Baulcombe, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculture 2010: "for pioneering discovery of gene regulation by small inhibitory RNA molecules in plants".
  • 2008: Howard Cedar, Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 2008: "for fundamental contributions to our understanding of the role of DNA methylation in the control of gene expression".
  • 2006/2007: Albert Fert, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 2006/2007: "for discovery of the giant magnetoresistance phenomenon (GMR), thereby launching a new field of research and applications known as spintronics, which utilizes the spin of the electron to store and transport information".
  • 2005 Alexander Levitzki, Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 2005: "for discovery of protein domains essential for mediating protein-protein interactions in cellular signaling pathways, and the insights this research has provided into cancer".
  • 2005: Sergei P. Novikov, Russia. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2005: "for monumental contributions to algebra, in particular to the theory of lattices in semi-simple Lie groups, and striking applications of this to ergodic theory, representation theory, number theory, combinatorics, and measure theory".
  • 2001: Alexander Varshavsky, USA. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 2001: "for the discovery of the ubiquitin system of intracellular protein degradation and the crucial functions of this system in cellular regulation".
  • 2001: Saharon Shelah, Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2001: "for his many fundamental contributions to mathematical logic and set theory, and their applications within other parts of mathematics".
  • 2001: Vladimir I. Arnold, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 2001: "for deep and influential work in a multitude of areas of mathematics, including dynamical systems, differential equations, and singularity theory".
  • 1999: Dan User/Shechtman, Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 1999: "for the experimental discovery of quasi-crystals, non-periodic solids having long-range order, which inspired the exploration of a new fundamental state of matter".
  • 1999: Laszlo Lovasz, Hungary. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1999: "for contributions to classical and “Euclidean” Fourier analysis and for his exceptional impact on a new generation of analysts through his eloquent teaching and writing".
  • 1998: Gerhard Ertl, Germany. Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry 1998: "for outstanding contributions to the field of the surface science in general, and for their elucidation of fundamental mechanisms of heterogeneous catalytic reactions at single crystal surfaces in particular".
  • 1998: Ilan Chet, Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Agriculture 1998: "for contributions to the environmentally safe development of world agriculture through innovative approaches in breeding and bio-control".
  • 1996/1997: Mary Frances Lyon, England. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1996/97: "for hypothesis concerning the random inactivation of X-chromosomes in mammals".
  • 1996/1997: Yakov G. Sinai, Russia. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1996/97: "for fundamental contributions to mathematically rigorous methods in statistical mechanics and the ergodic theory of dynamical systems and their applications in physics".
  • 1995/1996: Andrew Wiles, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1995/96: "for spectacular contributions to number theory and related fields, major advances on fundamental conjectures, and for settling Fermat´s last theorem".
  • 1995: Michal J. Berridge, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1995: "for discoveries concerning cellular transmembrane signalling involving phospholipids and calcium".
  • 1994/1995: Vitaly L. Ginzburg, Russia. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 1994/95: "for contributions to the theory of superconductivity and to the theory of high-energy processes in astrophysics".
  • 1993: Jacques Tits, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1993: "for pioneering and fundamental contributions to the theory of the structure of algebraic and other classes of groups and in particular for the theory of buildings".
  • 1993: Mikhael Gromov, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1993: "for revolutionary contributions to global Riemannian and symplectic geometry, algebraic topology, geometric group theory and the theory of partial differential equations".
  • 1992: Lennart A.E. Carleson, Swede/USA. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1992: "for fundamental contributions to Fourier analysis, complex analysis, quasiconformal mappings and dynamical systems".
  • 1991: Richard R. Ernst, Switzerland. Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry 1991: "for revolutionary contributions to NMR spectroscopy, especially Fourier- transform and two-dimensional NMR by Ernst, and multiple-quantum and high-spin NMR by Pines".
  • 1991: Valentine L. Telegdi, Switzerland. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 1991: "for contributions to nuclear and particle physics, particularly those concerning the weak interactions involving leptons".
  • 1989: Alan R. Battersby, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry 1989: "for fundamental contributions to the elucidation of the mechanism of enzymic reactions and of the biosynthesis of natural products, in particular the pigments of life".
  • 1989: Duilio Arigoni, Switzerland. Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry 1989: "for fundamental contributions to the elucidation of the mechanism of enzymic reactions and of the biosynthesis of natural products, in particular the pigments of life".
  • 1989: John B. Gurdon, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1988: "for introduction of the xenopus oocyte into molecular biology and his demonstration that the nucleus of a differentiated cell and of the egg differ in expression but not in the content of genetic material".
  • 1988: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Germany. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1988: "for outstanding work combining topology, algebraic and differential geometry, and algebraic number theory; and for his stimulation of mathematical cooperation and research".
  • 1988: Henri-Gery Hers, Belgium. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1988: "for the biochemical elucidation of lysosomal storage diseases and the resulting contributions to biology, pathology, prenatal diagnosis, and therapeutics".
  • 1988: Lars Hormander, Sweden. Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics 1988: "for fundamental work in modern analysis, in particular, the application of pseudo differential and Fourier integral operators to linear partial differential equations".
  • 1988: Raphael D. Levine, Israel. Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry 1988: "for incisive theoretical studies elucidating energy acquisition and disposal in molecular systems and mechanisms for dynamical selectivity and specificity".
  • 1988: Roger Penrose, United Kingdom (together with Stephen W. Hawking). Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 1988: "for their brilliant development of the theory of general relativity, in which they have shown the necessity for cosmological singularities and have elucidated the physics of black holes. In this work they have greatly enlarged our understanding of the origin and possible fate of the Universe."
  • 1986: Albert Eschenmoser, Switzerland: Wolf Prize Laureate in Chemistry 1985: "for outstanding research on the synthesis, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanisms for formation of natural products, especially Vitamin-B12".
  • 1985: Philippe Nozieres, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 1985: "for major contributions to the fundamental theory of solids, especially of the behavior of electrons in metals".
  • 1984: Peter B. Hirsch, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Physics 1984: "for his development of the utilization of the transmission electron microscope as a universal instrument to study the structure of crystalline matter".
  • 1982: Jean-Pierre Changeux, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1982: "for the isolation, purification and characterization of the acetylcholine receptor".
  • 1982: Sir James W. Black, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1982: "for developing agents which block beta adrenergic and histamine receptors".
  • 1980: James L. Gowans, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1980: "for contributions to knowledge of the function and disfunction of the body cells through their studies on the immunological role of the lymphocytes, the development of specific antibodies and the elucidation of mechanisms governing the control and differentiation of normal and cancer cells".
  • 1980: Leo Sachs, United Kingdom. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1980: "for contributions to knowledge of the function and disfunction of the body cells through their studies on the immunological role of the lymphocytes, the development of specific antibodies and the elucidation of mechanisms governing the control and differentiation of normal and cancer cells".
  • 1979: Arvid Carlsson, Sweden. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1979: "for his work which established the role of dopamine as a neurotransmitter".
  • 1978: Carl Djerassi, USA. Wolf Prize Laurate in Chemistry 1978: "for his work in bioorganic chemistry, application of new spectroscopic techniques, and his support of international cooperation".
  • 1978: Jean Dausset, France. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1978: "for discovering the HL-A system, the major histocompatibility complex in man and its primordial role in organ transplantation".
  • 1978: Jon J. van Rood, USA. Wolf Prize Laureate in Medicine 1978: "for contribution to the understanding of the complexity of the HL-A system in man and its implications in transplantation and in disease".

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