Cardiff Knowledge Hub Newsletter#
Winter 2017-2018#
Update on the European Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM)#
The end of 2017 saw the successful culmination of the Food from the Oceans topic, which has occupied the AE Cardiff Hub for most of the year. We oversaw the compilation of the Evidence Review Report, which examined the question of how the ocean can help satisfy the global demand for food. The SAPEA Consortium (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) was asked to produce the Evidence Review Report to underpin the policy-based Scientific Opinion of the High-Level Group of Scientific Advisers.The handover of the Report and the Scientific Opinion to the European Commission took place on 29th November, in Brussels. Two European Commissioners, Karmenu Vella (Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and Carlos Moedas (Research, Science and Innovation) were present. Hub Manager Louise Edwards represented the Cardiff Hub.
Food from the Oceans was the first evidence review delivered by the SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) Consortium and was led by Academia Europaea, with responsibility for management and delivery of the work given to the Cardiff Hub.
Professor Petersen represented the SAPEA Consortium for the project, with Louise Edwards, Hub Manager, as Chair of the SAPEA Team. Dr Esther Dorado-Ladera in the Cardiff Hub provided further critical support.
As well as preparing the final report for publication, the Cardiff Hub was responsible for the coordination of two international working groups, the formal peer review, an expert workshop and several public engagement events. The report will be promoted over the coming months at events aimed at policymakers, the academic community and practitioners.
Contact Esther Dorado-Ladera (

Download the SAPEA evidence review report

The SAM High Level Group Opinion

Funded by Horizon2020 GA no: 737432
Visit of AE President to Cardiff Hub#
We were delighted to welcome Academia Europaea President, Professor Sierd Cloetingh and Sir John Skehel, Chair of our Steering Group, to the Cardiff Hub on 27th/28th November. In addition to Professor Cloetingh and Sir John meeting with the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor Cloetingh also spoke at the Hub networking event, International Networks (see below).Recent Events#
International Networks: Creating Opportunities for Collaborative Research and Funding#
On 28th November, the Cardiff Hub hosted a networking event on international research networks. A distinguished panel of speakers provided an overview of networks such as COST and Vision2020
, explaining their purpose and benefits.
Read our report of the event.

Our panellists (l-r]): Prof Ole Petersen, Prof Sierd Cloetingh, Prof Adrian Harwood, Abdul Rahim, Prof Phil Jones, Sir John Skehel
Forthcoming events#
Physiology and Pathophysiology 2018: Molecules, Cells, Organs and Systems, 6th-7th March, Cardiff#
This symposium, to be held at Cardiff on 6th/7th March 2018, will provide a broad view of the state-of-the-art of Physiology and Pathophysiology in 2018. World leaders in the field, with no less than 13 Members of Academia Europaea including 4 Fellows of the Royal Society and 3 Members of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, will present recent discoveries within wide perspectives. Reflecting the broad interests of Professor Ole Petersen, there will be a major focus on intra- and inter-cellular signalling events in a number of different systems, including the gastro-intestinal tract and the brain.The event is open to all. Further information and registration is via Eventbrite

Horizon 2020 Energy Event, 5th-6th March 2018, Brussels#
Cardiff University and Vision 2020 will be holding their next Horizon 2020 Energy event at Wales House in Brussels on March 5th and 6th, with support from the AE Cardiff Hub. The purpose of this event will be matchmaking between academia and industry for Horizon 2020 energy calls during the 2018-2020 work programme. More information
Further Hub events will be announced soon. Details will be published on our website

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