The Changing Arctic – Strengthening the Arctic research cooperation between Estonia and Norway#
April 14th, 2021 at 09:00 (in Norway) / 10:00 (in Estonia)The Arctic has gained increased interest over the last decade as global climate change continues to transform the region. Norway and Estonia are both maritime countries with a long history of polar exploration and research. Now we are looking into new opportunities of Arctic research cooperation. The webinar celebrates the 100th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Estonia and Norway.
The webinar celebrates the 100th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Estonia and Norway, and the Norwegian-Estonian cooperation in climate change under the EEA and Norway Grants. Researchers from Estonia and Norway offer an insight into the state of play and their work in the Arctic – the glaciers and the sea, the indigenous people and the governance, methane seeps, algal blooms and the fungi.
The Estonian Academy of Sciences

See the program, and join the live streaming here

The webinar is free of charge and open to all interested.