Nuclear Energy and Management of Spent Fuel#
EASAC/JRC meeting#
Academia Europaea Bergen Symposium Series#
June 16, 2015
Venue: Grand Selskapslokaler, Bergen
Symposium site
09:00 Introduction & welcome by host: Jan S. Vaagen (Academic Director, AE Bergen Hub)
09:10 Presentation of EASAC (European Academies Science Advisory Council): Ole Didrik Lærum (EASAC Sci.Council)
09:30 Presentation of JRC, Dóra Dudás (Project Officer, JRC-EC, Brussels)
09:45 Nuclear Energy in Europe: Ákos Horváth (EASAC & dir. Center for Energy Research, Hungary)
10:15 Presentation of the Council Directive (2011/Euratom) “Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste”, European Commission (tbc)
10:30 Coffee break
11:15 Presentation of the joint report of EASAC and JRC on the “Management of the Spent Nuclear Fuel and its Waste” Pierre Kockerols, (Senior Expert - Nuclear Safety and Security, Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
11:45 Round table discussion / Questions & Answers, Chair: Laszlo P. Csernai (AE Council)
Øivind Berg (Senior Advisor, Institute for Energy Technology, Halden reactor, Norway)
Gunnar Buckau (Inst. for Transuranium Elements, Joint Research Center-European Commission)
12:30 Networking Lunch
13:30 Informal bilateral discussions between the national academy representatives and other participants
15:00 EASAC/JFR Closing, Coffee break
Grand Selskapslokaler (Bergens Næringsråd), Spiserom (~40-60)Main entry: Nedre Ole Bulls plass 1, 5012 Bergen
Office entry: Olav Kyrres gate 11, 5014 Bergen
Jan S. Vaagen, (