Ways of knowing: lines of contact between the sciences and the arts#
18th of September, 2024, hybrid event#
Free Registration
Zoom link

Organised by our Barcelona Knowledge Hub

- From 9:30 h to 14 h, RACAB (Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona), (La Rambla 115, Barcelona)
- From 16 h to 18 h, Gallery Espai 2 (c. dels Àngels 16, Barcelona)
Invited speakers:
- Paula Bruna
- Lua Coderch
- Anna Dumitriu
- Javier Forment
- Joan Llort
- Marta de Menezes
- Alex May
- Josep Perelló
Morning session at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona (RACAB)At Presidential Table: Lluis Nacenta and Jaume Bertranpetit
Front row: Invited speakers
09.30h Welcome – Jaume Bertranpetit gives the welcome to all participants
09.35h Lluis Nacenta introduces the topic and presents the speakers
09.45h Keynote Anna Dumitriu: Genuis Germs and Infective Textiles: Exploring the History and Future of Infectious Diseases Through BioArt
10.05h Conversation Anna Dumitriu and Josep Perelló
10.35h Keynote Marta de Menezes: Art making and discovering science: art/science collaborations from a personal experience
10.55h Conversation Marta de Menezes and Lúa Coderch
11.25h Coffee Break
12.00 Keynote Javier Forment: Science meets Art: Challenges and rewards of establishing an Artist-in-Residence in a scientific research center
12.20 Conversation Javier Forment and Paula Bruna
12.50 Keynote Alex May: Cabinet of Intangible Curiosities: Exploring Cutting Edge Science through Digital Media Art
13.10 Conversation Alex May and Joan Llort
14.00 Lunch at Antic Forn
Afternoon session at Barcelona Gallery Espai 2
16.00-18.00 Workshop by Marta de Menezes and Anna Dumitriu
18.00 Closure of the event
- Download the invitation
- Download the program