BarceloNews - Newsletter of the Barcelona Knowledge Hub#
No. 03/2016, March 1, 2016#
BKH-AE Women’s Week, March 3-4, 2016#
IEC (c/ Carme, 47), Prat de la Riba Room. See Programme at
March 3, Thursday
- 18.00-19.00 h. Distinguished Lecture: “Women and cultural transmission. The essential role of translation”
By Mary Ann Newman, Farragut Fund, New York - 19.00-20.00 h. “Greater than Life. In remembrance of Lynn Margulis (1938-2011).” By Ricard Guerrero and John Feldman, Filmmaker, Hummingbird Films, NY. (Documentaries prepared by R. Duro and J. Feldman)
- 20.00-21.00 h. At the Royal Academy of Medicine (c/ Carme, 47), Gimbernat Anatomical Theatre
Concert: “Music from Syria and the Kurdistan.” By the Gani Mirzo Band. Neila BenBey (singer), Francesc Puig (clarinet), Juan J. Barreda (flamenco guitar), and Gani Mirzo (ud, buzuk, composer)
March 4, Friday
- 17.00-19.00 h. InterSection Workshop: “Women, migrations and war”. Convenor: Mitsi Ito
- Mitsi Ito, New York, Barcelona. “How a New Yorker fell in love with Barcelona”
- Maryam Ghafouri, Teheran, Madrid. “Opportunities of Muslim women in the Western World”
- Pere Castaño, Sabadell. “Walking with immigrants”
- Carmen Chica, Barcelona. “Poetry in war, poetry on war”
- Closing lecture: Salvador Giner, Univ. of Barcelona, “Is war a male affair?”
- 19.00-19.30 h. Commemoration of the International Year of Global Understanding
“Women on the Move: The Transnational Era and the power of Art”. By Silvia Pellicer, Univ. of Zaragoza - 19.30-20.30 h. Art exhibit. Curator: Anna Wasmer, BKH-AE
- Digital art: Photomontage by Teresa Gironès: “The Book of Beasts. Palmira 2015.” Reflections of the dangers of power and the horrors of war. Introduced by Núria López Ribalta, critic of art
- Paintings by Trini Sotos: “Women/Dones/Mujeres. Reflections and aesthetics of female emotions”.
Introduced by Eusebi Vila Delclòs, artist painter
- 20.30-21.00. Reception
Video “Roni-Gani Mirzo” on “BKH-AE in Action” Vimeo Channel#
In March 2011, war broke out in Syria. Since then, millions of people abandoned their homes looking for peace. As a consequence, dozens of refugee camps were built to host this people, who had to live under extreme conditions. Domîz, a refugees camp in Irak’s Kurdistan, just 30 km to the border to the Kurdish part of Syria, is one of them. This concert and songs are the result of musician Gani Mirzo wish to give the refugees encouragement and patience to carry through this terrible chapter of modern history, no matter their background: Kurdish, Arabic, Assyrian, Armenian, and from all the country of Syria. Video

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