!!Eulàlia de Nadal - Selected Publications
Viéitez C&, Martínez-Cebrián G&, Solé C&, Böttcher R, Potel CM, Savitski MM, Onnebo S, Fabregat M, Shilatifard A, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. A genetic analysis reveals novel histone residues required for transcriptional reprogramming upon stress. Nucleic Acids Res. 48: 3455-75 (2020). IF 11.15\\
Duch A&, Canal B&, Barroso SI, García-Rubio M, Seisenbacher G, Aguilera A, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Multiple signaling kinases target Mrc1 to prevent genomic instability triggered by transcription-replication conflicts. Nature Communications 9: 379 (2018). IF 12.12\\
Gubern A, Joaquin M, Marquès M, Maseres P, Garcia-Garcia J, Amat R, González-Nuñez D, Oliva B, Real FX, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. The N-terminal phosphorylation of RB by p38 bypasses its inactivation by CDKs and prevents proliferation in cancer cells. Mol. Cell 64: 25-36 (2016). IF 13.96\\
Studer RA, Rodriguez-Mias RA, Haas KM, Hsu JI, Viéitez C, Solé C, Swaney DL, Stanford LB, Liachko I, Böttcher R, Dunham MJ, de Nadal E, Posas F, Beltrao P* & Villén J*. Evolution of protein phosphorylation across 18 fungal species. Science 354: 229-32. (2016). IF 33.66\\
Nadal-Ribelles M, Mas G, Millán-Zambrano G, Solé C, Ammerer G, Chávez S, Posas F* & de Nadal E*. H3K4 monomethylation dictates nucleosome dynamics and chromatin remodeling at stress-responsive genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 43: 4937-49 (2015). IF 8.81\\
Nadal-Ribelles M&, Solé C&, Xu Z, Steinmetz LM, de Nadal E* & Posas F*. Control of Cdc28 CDK1 by a stress-induced lncRNA. Mol Cell. 53: 549-61 (2014). IF 15.28\\
Duch A, Felipe-Abrio I, Barroso S, Yaakov G, García-Rubio M, Aguilera A, de Nadal E, Posas F. Coordinated control of replication and transcription by a SAPK protects genomic integrity. Nature 493: 116-9 (2013). IF 36.28\\
Solé C&, Nadal-Ribelles M&, Kraft C, Peter M, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. Control of Ubp3 ubiquitin protease activity by the Hog1 SAPK modulates transcription upon osmostress. EMBO J. 30: 3274-84 (2011). IF 9.21\\
Pelet S, Rudolf F, Nadal-Ribelles M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Peter M. Transient Activation of the HOG MAPK Pathway Regulates Bimodal Gene Expression. Science 332: 732-35 (2011). IF 31.37\\
de Nadal E, Zapater M, Alepuz PM, Sumoy L, Mas G, Posas F. The MAPK Hog1 recruits Rpd3 histone deacetylase to activate osmoresponsive genes. Nature 427: 370-74 (2004). IF 32.18\\
*Understanding Retinoblastoma Post-Translational Regulation for the Design of Targeted Cancer Therapies. Janostiak R, Torres-Sanchez A, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. Cancers, 14: 1265 (2022). IF 6.64 (review)\\

*de Nadal E, Ammerer G, Posas F. Controlling gene expression in response to stress. Nat Rev Genet. 12: 833-45. (2011). IF 38.08 (review)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit edenadal}][{ALLOW upload edenadal}][{ALLOW comment All}]