!!Nora Henriette de Leeuw - Curriculum Vitae
__1. Education/Qualifications__\\
*1997 PhD, Computational Chemistry, University of Bath, UK\\
*1994 BSc (Hons) 1st class, Chemistry with Physics, Open University, UK\\
*1981 Dutch Baccalaureate, Maerlant Lyceum, The Hague, NL
__2. Research Grants__
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>£22 Million awarded as Principal Investigator or Institutional Lead since 2000, by UK Research Councils (EPSRC, NERC, MRC, BBSRC, ESRC), EU, Royal Society, Wellcome Trust, Leverhulme Trust, UK Department for International Development
\\ \\
__3. Outputs__\\
>270 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals, book chapters and other articles. \\
>6600 citations and a Hirsch index of H = 48 (Google Scholar: NH de Leeuw) from first publication in 1995 and start of PhD in 1994.\\
>110 invited, plenary and keynote lectures at international conferences and seminars.\\
Organiser of 13 international conferences and summer schools.\\
Number of Invited articles in high quality scientific journals.\\
Several articles chosen for Journal covers, or as “Hot article” or “Top paper”.\\
Research has featured in a number of popular science articles, e.g. Nature World News, Science News, New Scientist, Daily Mail.\\
__4. Research supervision__\\
__Current Research Group:__          
*2 Senior Research Fellows\\
*9 Postdoctoral Research Fellows\\
*11 PhD students\\
__Graduated:__  21 PhD/EngD students
\\ \\
*14 Postdoctoral and senior research fellows\\
*13 International visitors (>3 months)\\
Joint grants/publications with 21 international collaborators\\
__5. Professional Service and Knowledge Exchange Activities__\\
Chair or member of 23 scientific and leadership committees, e.g. Royal Society panels, UK Research Council panels, EU working group of Russell Group of UK Universities, Cardiff University Council\\
Member of international funding review boards, including RCUK, US Department of Energy and NRF, National Science Foundation South Africa, Austria, Israel, Singapore \\
Guest editor of: Molecular Simulation (2002) 28 (6-7) ; Molecular Simulation (2005) 31(5); J. Crystal Growth (2006) 294(1); Faraday Discussion (2007) 136 ; Phil. Trans. Royal Society A (2013) 371.\\ \\