!!Nicholas de Lange - Curriculum Vitae
__Education and degrees:__ 
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1962–69 Christ Church, Oxford : BA (Litterae Humaniores) 1966; M.A. 1969; D.Phil. 1970 (thesis entitled:  ‘Origen and the Jews: Jewish–Christian Relations in Third-Century Palestine’; supervisor: Henry Chadwick)\\
James Mew Rabbinic Hebrew Prize 1969\\
Cambridge degrees: Ph.D. (by incorporation)   1971; D.D. 2001\\
__Membership of learned & professional associations:__
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*Council member, Jewish Historical Society of England\\
*Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge (1985)\\
*Fellow of the British Academy (2011)\\
*Committee member and President (1989),  British Association for Jewish Studies\\
*Chairman, The Translators Association\\
*Member of Committee of Management, The Society of Authors\\
__Academic appointments:__ 
*Parkes Library Fellow, University of Southampton, 1969-71\\
*Lecturer in Rabbinics, University of Cambridge, 1971-1995\\
*Reader in Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Cambridge, 1995–2001\\
*Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Cambridge, 2001–2011\\
__Visiting positions:__
*Littman Fellow, Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies,  January–March 1979.\\
*Visiting Scholar, Jewish Theological Seminary of Hungary, November–December 1982.\\
*Directeur d’Etudes Associé, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris (Ve section, Sciences Religieuses), January–*February 1988, November–December 1999, March–April 2006. \\
*Directeur d’Etudes Associé, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris (Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques), April–September 1992, February–March 2000, May 2005. \\
*Visiting Professor, Freie Universität Berlin (Institut für Judaistik), October 1995–March 1996.\\
*Visiting Professor, University of Toronto,  September–December 2004.\\
*Visiting Research Fellow, Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, December 2004–February 2005.