!!Peter Zoller - Publications
__Hirsch Index:__ over 90\\
__Number of ctiations:__  over 30.000\\
__Number of papers:__  Exceeding 350\\
__Most recent/ most important publications:__ \\
Quantum Computations with Cold Trapped Ions, Cirac, JI; Zoller, P, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  74 4091-4094, 1995\\
Cold bosonic atoms in optical lattices, Jaksch, D; Bruder, C; Cirac, JI; et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  81, 3108-3111, 1998\\
Long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles and linear optics, Duan, LM; Lukin, MD; Cirac, JI; et al., NATURE  414, 413-418, 2001\\
Quantum state transfer and entanglement distribution among distant nodes in a quantum network, Cirac, JI; Zoller, P; Kimble, HJ; et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 78: 3221-3224 , 1997\\
Inseparability criterion for continuous variable systems, Duan, LM; Giedke, G; Cirac, JI; et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  84: 2722-2725, 2000\\
Quantum repeaters: The role of imperfect local operations in quantum communication, Briegel, HJ; Dur, W; Cirac, JI; et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 81: 5932-5935, 1998