!!!Chi Zhang
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2016 - Now   National Distinguished Professor, Dean & Academic Committee Chair of School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China
* 2013 - Now   Founder & Director, International Joint Research Centre for Photo-Response Functional Materials, MOST, China
* 2009 - Now   Founder & Director, China-Australia Joint Research Centre for Functional Molecular Materials, MOST China & DIISR Australia
* 2016 - 2018  Distinguished Professor, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
* 2009 - 2018  Senior Fellow (Level D), Research Professor (Level E), Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Australia
* 2012 - 2016  Summum Bonum Distinguished Professor, Deputy Chairman of University Academic Committee, Jiangnan University, China
* 2007 - 2012  Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science, Dean of Scientific Research Academy, Jiangsu University, China
* 2003 - 2007  Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China
* 2004 - 2006  Research Fellow of Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Nagoya University, Japan                     
* 2002 - 2003  Research Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Technical University of Munich, Germany
* 2000 - 2002  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Kansas, United States
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2022  Member of German National Academy of Science and Engineering
* 2022  First Prize of Technical Invention Award, CSOE, China
* 2020  Member of Academia Europaea
* 2020  Fellow of Institute of Physics, IOP, UK
* 2019  Member of European Academy of Sciences
* 2019  Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts
* 2019  Second Prize of Natural Science Research Award, MOE, China
* 2018  Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, IOM-3, UK
* 2018  Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET, UK
* 2016  Innovation Research Achievement Contribution Award, AFROC, China
* 2015  Awardee for The Hundred Talent Program, CAS, China
* 2014  Fellow of Royal Australian Chemical Institute, RACI, Australia
* 2014  Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC, UK 
* 2014  Chief Professor of Key-Field Innovative Research Team, MOST, China
* 2012  Chief Scientist of Research Base for The Cooperative Research with Foreign Experts, MOE & SAFEA, China
* 2012  Innovation Research Team Contribution Award, AFROC, China
* 2011  Awardee for The Recruitment Program of Global Experts, China
* 2010  Chief Professor of Changjiang Innovative Research Team, MOE, China
* 2010  Innovation Research Talent Contribution Award, AFROC, China
* 2010  National Expert for Receiving the Government Special Allowance, China
* 2009  Awardee of the New Century "Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project", China
* 2009  Distinguished Young Scientist Award, NSFC, China
* 2003  JSPS Research Fellow, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan
* 2001  Humboldt Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Zhang_Chi/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Zhang_Chi/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Zhang_Chi/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Zhang_Chi/OtherInformation]

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