!!Fernando Zúñiga - Curriculum Vitae
*2011: Habilitation in General Linguistics, University of Zurich\\
*2002: Ph.D. in General Linguistics, University of Zurich\\
*1999: M.A. in General Linguistics, English Linguistics and English Literature, University of Zurich\\
*1992: Business engineer and B.A. in Economics, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile\\
__Swiss National Science Foundation research grants__
*2016 Sinergia project: Linguistic Morphology in Time and Space. Project on South American languages.\\
*2012 - 2015 Research Professorship: Islands in an ocean of (poly)synthesis and concatenative morphology: What linguistic theory and typology can learn from selected Amerindian languages.\\
*2009 - 2013 Project support / Independent Basic Research: Mapudungun and Blackfoot: Inverse morphology and three-participant clauses. Part of the EuroBABEL collaborative research project Referential Hierarchies in Morphosyntax (RHIM) Description, Typology, Diachrony, hosted by the EuroCORES Program of the European Science Foundation.\\
*2004 Individual support / Fellowship: Alignment in Makú languages and the genetic and areal stability of alignment: A contribution to the typology of morphosyntactic organization\\
__Academic panel experience__
*Co-editor of John Benjamins’s Typological Studies in Language series (2011-)\\
*Editorial board member of Linguistic Typology (2014-)\\
*Editorial board member of Italian Journal of Linguistics (2013-)\\
*Evaluating committee member of Línguas Indígenas Americanas (2010-)\\
*Consulting editor of Studies in Diversity Linguistics  (2014 - 2016)\\
*Editorial board member of Studies in Diversity Linguistics (2017-)\\
*Advisory board member of Graduate School of Language & Literature (Class of Language), Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (2013 - 2014)\\ \\