!!Bernard Wood - Curriculum Vitae

*1964 - 1967  B.Sc.(Chemistry and Geology, class I) University of London\\
*1967 - 1968  M.Sc. (Geochemistry) University of Leeds  \\
*1968 - 1972  Ph.D. (Physics) University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
__Major Society Activities__
*President, Mineralogical Society (UK) 2002-2004\\
*President VGP section of American Geophysical Union 2006-2008\\
*Council Member- American Geophysical Union 2004-2008\\
*Chair, Publications Committee, American Geophysical Union 2010-2013\\
*Chair, Organising Committee, Goldschmidt 2013 (Florence)
__Other Committee Service__
*American Geophysical Union - Hess Medal Committee; Bucher Medal \\
*Committee; Macelwane Award Committee; Budget and Finance Committee, AGU Council. Chair of Publications Committee\\
*Mineralogical Society of America - Roebling Medal Committee; Dana Medal Committee; Fellows Committee; Nominations Committee\\
*Geochemical Society - Board of Directors; Goldschmidt Medal Committee; \\
*Fellows Committee; Goldschmidt Conference Organising Committee; Chair of Publications Advisory Committee.\\
*European Association of Geochemistry - Urey Medal Committee, EAG Council; Chair of Organising Committee for *Goldschmidt Conference 2013, Chair of Ringwood Medal Committee\\
*European Union of Geosciences - Holmes Medal Committee\\
*Geological Society of London - Medal Committee, Grants Committee\\
*Royal Society - Sectional Committee 5; Small Grants Committee\\
*Natural Environment Research Council- Earth Sciences Grants Committee\\
*European Commission - Marie Curie Fellowships Committee\\
*CNRS (France) Committees of review at Orléans, Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon, Paris\\
*IPG de Paris - Member of Conseil Scientifique\\ \\