!!Ludger Woessmann - Publications
__A selection of highly cited contributions:__ \\
The Role of Cognitive Skills in Economic Development (with E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Economic Literature 46 (3): 607-668, 2008 (Google Scholar citations: 5,348)\\
Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History (with S.O. Becker). Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (2): 531-596, 2009 (Google Scholar citations: 1,646)\\
Do Better Schools Lead to More Growth? Cognitive Skills, Economic Outcomes, and Causation (with E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Economic Growth 17 (4): 267-321, 2012 (Google Scholar citations: 1,948)\\
Broadband Infrastructure and Economic Growth (with N. Czernich, O. Falck, and T. Kretschmer). Economic Journal 121 (552): 505-532, 2011 (Google Scholar citations: 1,892)\\
Does Educational Tracking Affect Performance and Inequality? Differences-in-Differences Evidence across Countries (with E.A. Hanushek). Economic Journal 116 (510): C63-C76, 2006 (Google Scholar citations: 1,842)\\
__A selection of recent contributions:__ \\
Can Mentoring Alleviate Family Disadvantage in Adolescence? A Field Experiment to Improve Labor-Market Prospects (with S. Resnjanskij, J. Ruhose, S. Wiederhold, and K. Wedel). Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming\\
Patience, Risk-Taking, and Human Capital Investment across Countries (with E.A. Hanushek, L. Kinne, and P. Lergetporer). Economic Journal 132 (646): 2290-2307, 2022 \\
COVID-19 and Educational Inequality: How School Closures Affect Low- and High-Achieving Students (with E. Grewenig, P. Lergetporer, K. Werner, and L. Zierow). European Economic Review 140: 103920, 2021 \\
Knowledge Capital and Aggregate Income Differences: Development Accounting for US States (with E.A. Hanushek and J. Ruhose). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 9 (4): 184-224, 2017\\
Knowledge Capital, Growth, and the East Asian Miracle (with E.A. Hanushek). Science 351 (6271): 344-345, 2016 \\
__Selected book publication: __\\
The Knowledge Capital of Nations: Education and the Economics of Growth (with E.A. Hanushek). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2015\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit lwoessmann}][{ALLOW upload lwoessmann}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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