!!!Andrew Wiles
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2011 - present Royal Society Research Professor, Oxford University
*1994 - 2011 Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University 
*1982 - 1994 Professor, Princeton University 
*1977 - 1980 Benjamin Pierce Assistant Professor, Harvard University
*1977 - 1980 Junior Research Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1989 Fellow of the Royal Society
*1995 Schock Prize
*1995 Fermat Prize 
*1995/6 Wolf Prize 
*1996 NAS Award in Mathematics from the National Academy of Sciences
*1996 Royal Medal of the Royal Society 
*1996 Ostrowski Prize 
*1997 Cole Prize
*1997 Wolfskehl Prize 
* A silver plaque from the International Mathematical Union (1998) (Wiles was too old for a Fields Medal)
*1998 King Faisal Prize 
*1999 Clay Research Award 
*2000 Knighthood  
*2004 Pythagoras Prize
*2005 Shaw Prize 
*Honorary degrees: Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, Yale, Warwick, Nottingham
*Foreign Member: National Academy of Sciences, French Academy of Sciences
*[Abel Prize 2016|Acad_Main/Members/Prizes_Awards_and_Medals/Abel_Prize]

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Wiles_Andrew/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Wiles_Andrew/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Wiles_Andrew/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Wiles_Andrew/OtherInformation]

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