!!Antje Wiener - Biography
Professor Antje Wiener (PhD 1996, Carleton; Dipl Pol 1989, FU Berlin) holds the Chair of Political Science, especially Global Governance at the University of Hamburg, and is an elected By-Fellow of Hughes Hall University of Cambridge. She was awarded the Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2011, and held a two-year Opus Magnum Fellowship by the Volkswagen Foundation from 2015 to 2017. Previously, she held Chairs in International Studies at Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Bath, she also taught at Stanford (USA), Carleton (Canada), Sussex (UK), Hannover and FU Berlin (Germany).\\
Her research and teaching centres on International Relations Theory especially norms and contestation theory. Her current research includes ‘contested climate justice in sensitive regions’ which she explores as programme chair within the CLICCS Cluster of Excellence in Hamburg, and, ‘multiplicity and international order/s’ at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law in Cambridge. She is co-founding editor of the interdisciplinary journal Global Constitutionalism with James Tully (since 2012). She was also a founding Associate Editor of the European Political Science Review in 2009 and founding editor of the Springer Series Norm Research in International Relations (since 2019). Among others, she serves on the International Action Group and the Nominations Committee of the Academy of Social Sciences and the Global Challenges Research Fund Peer Review College of the Economic and Social Research Council (since 2017). In 2018 she was elected to the Executive Committee of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). She is also a member of the Academic Advisory Board, EU Cyber Direct in Brussels. \\
In addition to numerous refereed article publications and edited books, she published four single-authored books (1998, 2008, 2014, 2018). The most recent book Contestation and Constitution of Norms in Global International Relations (CUP 2018) was awarded the Best Book Prize by the International Studies Association's International Law Section in 2020.\\ \\