!!Rufin Vogels - Curriculum Vitae
__Present occupation:__
*Gewoon hoogleraar (Full Professor), Department of Neuroscience, KU Leuven
*MSc. (Psychology), 1982, K.U.Leuven\\
*Ph.D. (Psychology), 1985, K.U.Leuven
*Professor, Medical School, KU Leuven, 2005-\\
*Senior Lecturer, Medical School, K.U.Leuven, 2001-2005\\
*Lecturer, Medical School, K.U.Leuven, 2000-2001\\
*Research Associate, National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium), 1994-2000\\
*Lecturer, Medical School, K.U.Leuven, 1994-2000\\
*Research Associate, National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium), 1989-1994\\
*Senior Research fellow National Research Council of Belgium, 1986-1989\\
*Postdoctoral Fellow, M.I.T., Cambridge (Massachusetts), 1985-1986\\
*Research fellow, National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO; Belgium), 1982-1986
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(1) Electrophysiology (single cell recordings) in awake, behaving monkeys.\\
(2) Cognitive Neuroscience\\
(3) Visual Psychophysics
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*President Belgian Society for Neuroscience\\
*President Belgian Brain Council\\
*Member Vision Sciences Society (USA)\\
*Member Society for Neuroscience (USA)\\
*Member The European Dana Alliance for the Brain.\\
*Elected member International Neuropsychological Symposium\\
*Co-director of the Program Cognitive and Molecular Neuroscience of the Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences of the KU Leuven
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Undergraduate courses on Neurophysiology, neural mechanisms of perception and of memory at the Faculty of Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Dpt of Psychology of the KU Leuven.
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__Reviewer for__
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Science, Neuron, Current Biology, Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, PLOSBiology, PLOSOne, Journal of Neurophysiology, Vision Research, Journal of Vision, etc