!!Miguel John Versluys - Biography
My research and teaching explore the cultural dynamics of the Hellenistic-Roman world (roughly 200 BC – AD 200) from the point of view of Eurasia. I investigate these dynamic processes from local, regional and global perspectives and by means of a variety of methodologies and techniques derived from the Social Sciences & Humanities as well as the Natural Sciences. 
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Interdisciplinarity is key to my research in all respects. As Classical & Mediterranean archaeologist, I actively work together with (pre)historians, art historians, classicists, Egyptologists, Near Eastern scholars, anthropologists, sociologists and scientists, as I believe that this approach is the only way to arrive at a better and comprehensive understanding of the big picture I am interested in. 
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In doing so, my research has two distinct focus points: the interconnection of cultures and their various identities (”Globalisation”), and the interdependence of objects and people (“Material Culture Studies”).
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The period between 200 BC – AD 200 is pivotal for World History and many of the cultural dynamics that emerged at that time continue to define us up until the present day. My research and teaching actively engage with the presence of the past and the importance of long-term history for our present-day societies.\\ \\