!!Massimo Vergassola - Curriculum Vitae

*Laurea in Physics at University La Sapienza, Rome. 1985 - 1990 \\
*Ph.D. in Physics at University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice. 1990 - 1993\\
*Post-doc at Princeton University, Princeton. 1994-1995. Supervisor: S.A. Orszag\\
*2001 - 2003 CNRS, Directeur de Recherche, Observatoire Côte d'Azur, Nice\\
*2004 - 2013 Head of the Unit Physics of Biological Systems at the Pasteur Institute, Paris (Dept. Genetics & Genomics)\\
*2009 - 2013 Professor (“Chargé de cours”) Ecole Polytechnique, Physics Department\\
*2011 - 2013 CNRS, Directeur de Recherche (DR1), Institut Pasteur, Paris (on leave of absence since 2013)\\
*2010 - 2012 Visiting Scientist, The Rockefeller University, New York; First semesters for a total of 15 months\\
*2013 - 2019 Professor at the University of California San Diego, Physics Department\\
*116 in international refereed journals\\
*~140 invited talks at international conferences; plenary speaker at Statphys 25, Seoul\\
*16 international conferences organized on various aspects of statistical and biological physics As Program Chair of the APS DBIO Division, He was in charge of the organization of all the sessions on Biological Physics for the 120th APS Anniversary Meeting, which was held in Boston in March 2019\\
*Member editorial board Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2001 - 2019); Journal of Statistical Mechanics JSTAT (2010 - present); Physics Reports (2015 - present); SciPost (2017 - present); Journal of Statistical Physics (2018 - present) \\
Member Human Frontier Science Project (HFSP) Grant Selection Committee 2015 - 2019. Founding member UC San Diego Ph.D. Specialization Program on Quantitative Biology (Qbio). Representative Physics Department at UCSD Academic Senate (2016-17). Representative Biophysics group at Physics Department council (2015 - 2019). Member of the SAB, EC H2020-MSCA-ITN on turbulent mixing. Member of the SAB, Harvard Center for Quantitative Biology, 2020 - 2023. Director Center on Quantitative Biology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (2019 - present).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mvergassola}][{ALLOW upload mvergassola}][{ALLOW comment All}]