!!Jaume Ventura - Selected Publications
Monetary Policy for a Bubbly World (with V. Asriyan, L. Fornaro, A. Martin), Review of economic Studies, forthcoming.\\
Rethinking the Effects of Financial Globalization (with F. Broner), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (3), 2016, 1497-1542\\
Economic Growth with Bubbles (with A. Martin), American Economic Review, 102 (6), 2012, 3033-3058\\
Globalization and Risk Sharing (with F. Broner) Review of Economic Studies, 78 (1), 2011, 49-82\\
Sovereign Risk and Secondary Markets (with F. Broner and A. Martin), American Economic Review, 100 (4), 2010, 1523-1555\\
The World Income Distribution (with D. Acemoglu), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117 (2), 2002, 659-694\\
Current Accounts in Debtor and Creditor Countries (with A. Kraay), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115 (4), 2000, 1137-1166\\
Growth and Interdependence, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112 (1), 1997, 57-84