!!!Dirk Van Hulle
[{Image src='Van_Hulle_Dirk.jpg'  alt='Dirk Van Hulle' height='175'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 1 Jan. 2016 - now: full professor (gewoon hoogleraar) of Literature in English, University of Antwerp
* 1 Jan. 2012 - 31 Dec. 2015: professor (hoogleraar) of Literature in English, University of Antwerp
* 1 Jan. 2008 - 31 Dec. 2011: associate professor (hoofddocent) of Literature in English, Univ. of Antwerp
* 1 Oct. 2004 - 31 De. 2007: lecturer (docent) of Literature in English, University of Antwerp
* 1 Oct. 2000 - 30 Sept. 2004: doctor-assistant English and German Literature, University of Antwerp
* 1 Jan. 1996 - 30 Sept. 2000: research assistant, University of Antwerp
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*PI of the  ERC project ‘Creative Undoing and Textual Scholarship’ (CUTS) (2013 -)
*‘Leverhulme award’ for a Visiting Scholarship at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (Jan.-April 2016)
*PI of the TOP BOF project 'Literature and the Extended Mind: A Reassessment of Modernism' (2014 -)
*‘Laureate of the Academy’ (2005; the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Van_Hulle_Dirk/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Van_Hulle_Dirk/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Van_Hulle_Dirk/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Van_Hulle_Dirk/OtherInformation]

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