!!Georges Vachaud - Curriculum vitae

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Whole career, from 1964 to 2004 with the French National Research Council (CNRS) to finish at the
highest grade (Classe Exceptionelle 2). Still in activity with the grade of Emeritus.
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Was the founder in 1968 within the “Institute of Fluid Mechanics”, Grenoble of a research group on water
resources and hydrology, which has became the « Laboratoire des Transferts en Hydrologie et
Environnement, LTHE » one of a major institution in Europe on water resources and hydrology, with 50
full time researchers ([http://www.lthe.fr/LTHE]).\\
Was in charge of French research units and programs in the field of continental surfaces (soil, water) for
the French National Research Council (CNRS) from 1998 to 2008.\\
Was in charge of the French Vietnamese Program on Water, between VAST and CNRS, from 2002 to 2008.
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*Water and contaminant transport from the soil surface to the groundwater through the unsaturated zone of the soil
*Since 1998 surface water pollution and contamination of water ecosystems in tropical areas (Asia)
*Grand Prize, French Academy of Science, 2012
*National Order of Merit, French Republic, 2008
*Medal of Science and Technology, RS Vietnam,
*Darcy Medal of the European Union of Geosciences (2003)
*Silver Medal of CNRS in 1977
*Dr Honoris Causa, HCM Techn. Univ. Vietnam, (2014)
*Member, Academia Europaea since 1998
*President of European Geophysical Society, (1992-1996)
*Editor in Chief, J. of Hydrology, (1995-2008)
*President of the Scientific Committee of the French Geological Survey (1998 to 2004)
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Co-author of more than 9O scientific papers, with h-index 22, and was main advisor for 45 thesis.