!!Panos Tsakloglou - Selected Publications
“Removing homeownership bias in taxation: The distributional effects of including net imputed rent in taxable income”, Fiscal Studies 38, 2017, pp 525–557 (with F. Figari, A. Paulus, H. Sutherland, G. Verbist and F. Zantomio).\\
“Earnings Determination and Taxes: Evidence From a Cohort-Based Payroll Tax Reform in Greece”, Quarterly Journal of Economics 127, 2012, pp 493-533 (with M. Matsaganis and E. Saez).\\
“Distributional effects of imputed rents in five European countries”, Journal of Housing Economics 19, 2010, pp 167-179 (with J.R. Frick, M.M. Grabka and T. Smeeding).\\
“The distributional impact of in kind public benefits in European countries”, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 29, 2010, pp 243–266 (with A. Paulus and H. Sutherland).\\
“Aggregate level and determining factors of social exclusion in twelve European countries”, Journal of European Social Policy 12, 2002, pp 209-223 (with F. Papadopoulos).\\
Social exclusion in European Welfare States, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002 (with R. Muffels and D. Mayes )\\
“On the distributional impact of public education: evidence from Greece”, Economics of Education Review 18, 1999, pp 439-452 (with M. Antoninis).\\
"Elderly and non-elderly in the European Union: A comparison of living standards", Review of Income and Wealth 42, 1996, pp 271-291.\\
"Aspects of inequality in Greece: Measurement, decomposition and inter-temporal change: 1974, 1982", Journal of Development Economics 40, 1993, pp 53-74.\\
"Estimation and comparison of two simple models of equivalence scales for the cost of children", Economic Journal 101, 1991, pp 343-357.\\
2840 citations; h-index 28\\
The approach I suggested for the measurement of social exclusion (based on chronic cumulative disadvantage) has been partly adopted in the relevant statistics produced by Eurostat.