!!Peter Trudgill - Selected Publications
*Sex, covert prestige and linguistic change in the urban British English of Norwich.Language in Society1: 179-95.
*Phonological rules and sociolinguistic variation in Norwich English. In C. J. Bailey & R. W. Shuy (eds.), New ways of analysing variation in English. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press. 149-63.
*Linguistic change and diffusion: description and explanation in sociolinguistic dialect geography.Language in Societyvol. 3: 215-46.
*The social differentiation of English in Norwich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
*Sociolinguistics: an introduction. London: Penguin Books.
*The imposed norm hypothesis: a validation (with H. Giles, R. Bourhis & A. Lewis).Quarterly Journal of Speech60: 405-10.
*Accent dialect and the school. London: Edward Arnold. 106 pages. (Open University set book)
*Linguistic geography and geographical linguistics. In C. Board, R. Chorley, P. Hagget & D. Stoddart (eds.),Progress in geography: international reviews in current research 7. London: Edward Arnold. 227-52.
*A sociolinguistic study of Albanian dialects spoken in the Attica and Biotia areas of Greece (with G.A. Tzavaras). Social Science Research Council Report.
*Review of B. Bernstein,Class, codes and control. Journal of Linguistics11: 147-51.
*Språk og kjønn i det engelske språket (= Language and sex in the English language). In E. Ryen (ed.),Språk og kjønn. Oslo: Novus. 155-69.
*Why Albanian-Greeks are not Albanians: language shift in Attica and Biotia (with G. A. Tzavaras). In H. Giles (ed.),Language, ethnicity, and intergroup relations(=European Monographs in Social Psychology 13). London: Academic Press. 171-84.
*Sociolinguistic patterns in British English(editor). London: Edward Arnold. 186 pages.
*Creolisation in reverse: reduction and simplification in the Albanian dialects of Greece.Transactions of the Philological Society 1976-77: 32-50.
*Introduction: sociolinguistics and sociolinguistics. In P. Trudgill (ed.),Sociolinguistic patterns in British English. London: Edward Arnold. 1-18.
*On the sociolinguistics of vocalic mergers: transfer and approximation in East Anglia (with T. Foxcroft). In P. Trudgill (ed.),Sociolinguistic patterns in British English. London: Edward Arnold. 69-79.
*Where does sociolinguistics stop? In W. Dressler & W. Meid (eds.),Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Linguists.Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissen-schaft der Universität Innsbruck. 53-6.
*Sociolinguistics and linguistic value judgements: correctness, adequacy and aesthetics (with H. Giles). In F. Coppieters & D. Goyvaerts (eds.),Functional studies in language and literature.Gent: Story-Scientia. 167-80.
*English accents and dialects: an introduction to social and regional varieties of British English (with A. Hughes). London: Edward Arnold.
*Norwegian translation of Accent dialect and the school (Dialekt og skole). Oslo: Novus.
*Standard and non-standard dialects of English in the United Kingdom: problems and policies.International Journal of the Sociology of Language21 (issue edited by U. Ammon): 9-24.
*Phonetic and linguistic markers in speech (with J. Laver). In K. Scherer & H. Giles (eds.),Social markers in speech. London: Cambridge University Press. 1-32.
*Tal dialekt, skriv dialect! Samtale mellom Peter Trudgill og Ernst Håkon Jahr (= Speak dialect, write dialect! Discussion between Peter Trudgill and Ernst Håkon Jahr). In L. Vikør & G. Wiggen (eds.),Språklig samling på folkemåls grunn. Oslo: Novus. 189-99.
*Dialectology (with J.K. Chambers). London: Cambridge University Press.
*Acts of conflicting identity: a sociolinguistic look at British pop songs. In M.W.S. de Silva (ed.),Aspects of linguistic behaviour: festschrift for R.B. Le Page. University of York Papers in Linguistic 9.
*International English: a guide to varieties of Standard English (with J. Hannah). London: Edward Arnold.
*Coping with America: a beginner’s guide to the USA. Oxford: Blackwell. (Shortlisted for the Thomas Cook Travel Book Prize, 1983.)
*Linguistic accommodation: sociolinguistic observations on a socio-psychological theory. In C. Masek, R. Hendrick & M. Miller (eds.),Papers from the parasession on language and behavior. Chicago Linguistic Society 1981.University of Chicago Press. pp. 218-37. Also in T. Fretheim & L. Hellan (eds.),Papers from the 6th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Trondheim: Tapir. 284-97.
*On the limits of passive “competence”: sociolinguistics and the polylectal grammar controversy. In D. Crystal (ed.),Linguistic controversies: essays in linguistic theory and practice in honour of F. R. Palmer. London: Edward Arnold. 172-91.
*The contribution of sociolinguistics to dialectology.Language Sciences4.2: 237-50.
*On dialect: social and geographical perspectivesOxford: Blackwell.
*Language in the British Isles(editor). London: Cambridge University Press.
*Applied sociolinguistics(editor). London: Academic Press.
*Scandinavian sociolinguistics: an outsider’s view.Norsk Lingvistiski Tidsskrift1: 34-43.
*To engelskmenn om norsk språkpolitikk (=Two Englishmen on Norwegian linguistic politics) (with S. Walton).Syn og Segn4: 355-60.
*Review of E.H. Jahr,Talemålet i skolen. Scandinavica24.2: 248-9.
*Dialects in contact. Oxford: Blackwell.
*The role of Irish English in the formation of colonial Englishes. In J. Harris, D. Little & D. Singleton (eds.),Perspectives on the English language in Ireland. Dublin: Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College. 3-7.
*Dialect mixture and the analysis of colonial dialects: the case of Canadian raising. In H. Warkentyne (ed.),Methods in dialectology 5. University of Victoria, Canada. 35-46.
*English accents and dialects: an introduction to social and regional varieties of British English (with A. Hughes). Londodn: Edward Arnold.
*Review of K. Venås,Språk og samfunn. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidskrift: 112-4.
*On the role of dialect contact and interdialect in linguistic change. In J. Fisiak (ed.),Historical dialectology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 547-63.
*Norwich revisited: recent changes in an English urban dialect.English World Wide 9: 33-49.
*Interlanguage, interdialect and typological change. In S. Gass, C. Madden, D. Preston & L. Selinker (eds.),Variation in second language acquisition: psycholinguistic issues. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 244-53.
*Dialect and education in the United Kingdom (with J. Cheshire). In J. Cheshire, V. Edwards, H. Münstermann & B. Weltens (eds.),Dialect and education: some European perspectives.Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 94-109.
*Language contact and simplification.Nordlyd15: 113-21.
*Contact and isolation in linguistic change. In L.E. Breivik & E.H. Jahr (eds.),Language change: contributions to the study of its causes.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 227-37.
*The sociophonetics of /l/ in the Greek of Sphakiá.Journal of the International Phonetics Association15.2: 18-22.
*Review of B. Birkeland & B.N. Kvalsvik,Folkemål og Danning;and W. Gerdener,Der Purismus in Nynorsk. Scandinavica8: 110-2.
*The Dialects of England. Oxford: Blackwell.
*Bad language(with L.G. Andersson). London: Penguin (pbk); and Oxford: Blackwell (hbk)
*Dialect geography. In E. Polomé (ed.),Research guide on language change.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 257-71.
*Review of E. B. Johnsen (ed.),Vårt eget språk(3 vols.).Scandinavica29.1: 279-81.
*Translation of B. Mæhlum, Code-switching in Hemnesberget: myth or reality? In E.H. Jahr (ed.),Tromsø linguistics in the eighties. Oslo: Novus. (Translated from Norwegian, with J. Hannah).
*English dialects: studies in grammatical variation(editor with J.K. Chambers). London: Longman.
*Dialect contact and dialect mixture: the Svalbard perspective. In I. Broch (ed.),Forskning om mennesker på Svalbard. Oslo: Norges Allmennvitenskapelige Forskningsråd. 103-8.
*Language maintenance and language shift: preservation versus extinction.International Journal of Applied Linguistics1.1: 61-9.
*Dialect contact, dialectology and sociolinguistics. In K. Bolton & H. Kwok (eds.),Sociolinguistics today: international perspectives.London: Routledge. 71-9.
*The Ausbau sociolinguistics of minority languages in western and central Europe. In G. Blom, P. Graves, A. Kruse & B.T. Thomsen (eds.),Minority languages: the Scandinavian experience. Oslo: Nordic Language Secretariat. 11-20.
*Dialect typology and social structure. In E.H. Jahr (ed.),Language contact: theoretical and empirical studies.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 195-212.
*The Ausbau sociolinguistics of minority languages in Greece.Plurilinguismes: 167-91.
*Sociolinguistics. In T. McArthur (ed.),The Oxford companion to the English language. Oxford University Press. 946-8.
*The Ausbau sociolinguistics of Greek as a majority and minority language. In M. Makri-Tsilipakou (ed.),Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Description and/or Comparison of English and Greek.Thessaloniki: Aristotle University. 213-35.
*Ausbau sociolinguistics and the perception of language status in contemporary Europe.International Journal of Applied Linguistics2.2: 167-77.
*Dialect typology: phonological aspects. In G. Aurrekoetxea & X. Videgain (eds.),Nazioarteko dialektologia biltzarra: agiriak.Bilboa: Euskaltzaindia. 659-66.
*Present directions in dialectology. In I. Mari (ed.),Segon congrés internacional de la llengua Catalana. Vol. 4: Linguistica social.Palma: Universitat de les Illes Balears. 15-7.
*Parallels and differences in the linguistic development of Modern Greek and Modern Norwegian (with E.H. Jahr). In E.H. Jahr (ed.),Language conflict and language planning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 83-98.
*Dialects. London: Routledge.
*Language contact and dialect contact in linguistic change. In U.-B. Kotsinas & J. Helgander (eds.),Dialektkontakt, språkkontakt och språkörändring in Norden. Stockholm: Stockholm University. 13-22.
*A sex-specific linguistic feature in a European dialect (with P. Mansfield).Multilingua 13.4: 181-6.
*Review of H. Omdal,Med språket på flyttefot: språkvariasjon og språkstrategier blant setesdøler i Kristiansand. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 12: 235-7.
*Grammaticalisation and social structure: nonstandard conjunction-formation in East Anglian English. In F.R. Palmer (ed.),Grammar and meaning: papers in honour of John Lyons.Cambridge University Press. 136-47.
*Linguistic oppression and the non-native speaker.Journal of Pragmatics24: 20-3.
*Sociolinguistic studies in Norway 1970-1991: a critical overview.IJSL115: 7-23.
*Dialect and dialects in Britain and Europe.The European English Messenger1995:3: 44-6.
*Language contact and inherent variability: the absence of hypercorrection in East Anglian present-tense verb forms. In J. Klemola, M. Kytö & M. Rissanen (eds.)Speech past and present: studies in English dialectology in memory of Ossi Ihalainen.Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 412-25.
*Dual source pidgins and reverse creoles: northern perspectives on language contact. In I. Broch & E.H. Jahr (eds.),Language contact in the Arctic: northern pidgins: and contact languages.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 5-14.
*Dialect typology: isolation, social network and phonological structure. In G. Guy et al. (eds.),Towards a social science of language : papers in honour of William Labov. Vol. 1: variation and change in language and society. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 3-22.
*Standard English and the national curriculum.The European English Messenger5.1: 63-5.
*Two hundred years of dedialectalisation: the East Anglian short vowel system. In M. Thelander (ed.)Samspel och variation: språkliga studier tillägnade Bengt Nordberg på 60-årsdagen.Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. 471-8.
*Communication et pragmatique interculturelles (editor with P. Singy)=Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée 65. Neuchatel: VALS/ASLA.
*British vernacular dialects in the formation of American English: the case of East Angliando. In R. Hickey & S. Puppel (eds.)Linguistic history and linguistic modelling: a festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th birthday.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 749-58.
*The sociolinguistics reader: multilingualism and variation (editor with J. Cheshire). London: Edward Arnold. pp. 283.
*The sociolinguistics reader: gender and discourse (editor with J. Cheshire). London: Edward Arnold. pp. 403.
*Language myths (editor with L. Bauer). London: Penguin.
*The meanings of words should not be allowed to vary or change. In L. Bauer & P. Trudgill (eds.)Language myths. London: Penguin. 1-8.
*New dialect formation and Southern Hemisphere English: the New Zealand short front vowels (with E. Gordon & G. Lewis).Journal of Sociolinguistics2.1: 35-51.
*Norwegian as a normal language. In U. Røyneland (ed.)Language contact and language conflict.Volda: Ivar Aasen Institute. 151-8.
*Typology and sociolinguistics: linguistic structure, social structure and explanatory comparative dialectology.Folia Linguistica 31.3-4: 349-60.
*Third-person singular zero: African American vernacular English, East Anglian dialects and Spanish persecution in the Low Countries.Folia Linguistica Historica18.1-2: 139-48.
*Standard English: what it isn’t.The European English Messenger7.2: 34-9.
*Views on Englishes (with D. Prendergast, B. Kachru, S. Mufwene, R. Singh, & L. Todd).Links and Letters5: 225-41.
*Dialect and dialects in the new Europe.Etudes de lettres 1997.4:19-32. (Lausanne: Université de Lausanne).
*The chaos before the order: New Zealand English and the second stage of new-dialect formation. In E.H.Jahr (ed.)Language change: advances in historical sociolinguistics.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1-11.
*Concept de genres, prestige latent et insécurité linguistique. In P. Singy (ed.)Les femmes et la langue: l’insécurité linguistique en question.Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé. 37-60.
*Dedialectalisation and Norfolk dialect orthography. In M. Atkinson (ed.)If you see what I mean: essays presented to Keith Brown. Colchester: Essex University Languages and Linguistics Department. 147-52.
*The great East Anglian merger mystery. In R. Jolivet & F. Heussi (eds.)Mélanges offerts en hommage à Mortéeza Mahmoudian. Tome II. (Cahiers de l’ILSL11), 415-23. (Lausanne: Université de Lausanne).
*“Short o” in East Anglia and New England. In J. Fisiak (ed.)Festschrift for Kari Sajavara=Studia anglica Posnaniensia33, 445-450.
*World English: convergence or divergence? In H. Lindqvist, S. Klintborg, M. Levin & M. Estling (eds.)The major varieties of English. Växjö University: Acta Wexionensis. 29-36.
*Review of J. HoneyLanguage is power: the story of Standard English and its enemies.Journal of Sociolinguistcs2.3: 457-61.
*The Dialects of England.2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 162.
*Dialect contact, dialectology and sociolinguistics.Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa8: 1-8.
*Standard English: what it isn’t. In T. Bex & R.J. Watts (eds.)Standard English: the widening debate.London: Routledge. 117-28.
*A Southern Hemisphere East Anglian: New Zealand English as a resource for the study of 19th century British English. In U. Carls & P. Lucko (eds.)Form, function and variation in English: studies in honour of Klaus Hansen.Berlin: Peter Lang. 169-174.
*Norwich: endogenous and exogenous linguistic change. In P. Foulkes & G. Doherty (eds.)Urban voices: accent studies in the British Isles. London: Edward Arnold, 124-140.
*Dedialectalisation and Norfolk dialect orthography. In I. Tavitsainen, G. Melchers & P. Pahta (eds.)Writing in Nonstandard English. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 323- 330.
*Accommodation between dialects. In Michael D. Linn (ed.)Handbook of dialects and language variation2nd edition. London: Academic Press, 307-342.
*Convergence and divergence in English English, and East Anglian dialects. In C. Paradis (ed.)Recent trends in the pronunciation of English: social, regional and attitudinal aspects. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 7-14.
*Pseudo-coordination in English: the “try and” problem (with J.T. Faarlund).Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik47,3, 210-213.
*Migration, new-dialect formation and sociolinguistic refunctionalisation:reallocation as an outcome of dialect contact (with D. Britain).Transactions of the Philological Society97,2, 245-256.
*New-dialect formation and dedialectalization: embryonic and vestigial variants.Journal of English Linguistics27,4, 319-327.
*A window on the past: “colonial lag” and New Zealand evidence for the phonology of 19th-century English.American Speech74,3, 1-11.
*Language contact and the function of linguistic gender.Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics35: 133-152.
*Shades of things to come: embryonic variants in New Zealand English sound changes (With Elizabeth Gordon).English World-Wide20:1: 111-124.
*Sociolinguistics: an introduction to language and society.4th edition. London: Penguin.
*Determinism in new-dialect formation and the genesis of New Zealand English. (With Elizabeth Gordon, Gillian Lewis & Margaret Maclagan). Journal of Linguistcs36, 299-318.
*Migration, dialect contact, new-dialect formation and reallocation (with D. Britain). In K. Mattheier (ed.)Dialect and migration in a changing Europe. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 73-78.
*The role of drift in the formation of native-speaker Southern Hemisphere Englishes: some New Zealand evidence. (With Elizabeth Gordon, Gillian Lewis & Margaret Maclagan).Diachronica17, 1: 111-138.
*Greece and European Turkey: from religious to linguistic identity. In S. Barbour and C. Carmichael (eds.)Language and nationalism in Europe.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 240-263.
*On locating the boundary between language contact and dialect contact: Low German and continental Scandinavian. In E.H.Jahr (ed.) Språkkontakt: innverknaden frå nedertysk på andre nordeuropeiske språk.(= Skrift nr. 2 fra prosjektet "Språkhistoriske prinsipper for lånord i nordiske språk") Copenhagen: Nordisk Ministerråd, 71-86.
*Sociolinguistics and sociolinguistics once again.Sociolinguistica14: 55-59.
*If women are being discriminated against, you don’t say ‘You should become a man’: an interview with Peter Trudgill on sociolinguistics and Standard English.NovELTy: a journal of English language teaching and cultural studies in Hungary7,2, 17-30 (with Miklós Kontra).
*East Anglian English (editor with J. Fisiak). Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer.
*Sociohistorical linguistics and dialect survival: a note on another Nova Scotian enclave. In M. Ljung (ed.) Linguistic structure and variation: a Festschrift for Gunnel Melchers. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 193-211.
*The Ausbau and Abstand sociolinguistics of linguistic minorities. In P. Nelde and R. Schjerve (eds.)Minorities and language policy(= Plurilingua 22). St. Augustin: Asgard Verlag, 37-44. (eds.)East Anglian English. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, ix - xiii.
*Modern East Anglia as a dialect area. In J. Fisiak and P. Trudgill (eds.)East Anglian English. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 1-12.
*Third-person singular zero: African-American English, East Anglian dialects and Spanish persecution in the Low Countries. Reprinted in J. Fisiak and P. Trudgill (eds.)East Anglian English. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 179-186
*Chapters in the social history of East Anglian English: the case of the third-person singular (with T. Nevalainen and H. Raumolin-Brunberg). In J. Fisiak and P. Trudgill (eds.)East Anglian English. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 187-204.
*The Ausbau sociolinguistics of Greek as a minority and majority language. Reprinted in Aexandra Georgakopoulou and Maria Spanaki (eds.)A reader in Greek sociolinguistics. Bern: Peter Lang, 23-40.
*Weltsprache Englisch. In R. Watts and H. Murray (eds.)Die fünfte Landessprache?: Englisch in der Schweiz.Bern: Akademische Kommission, 27-34.
*On the irrelevance of prestige, stigma and identity in the development of New Zealand English phonology.New Zealand English Journal15, 42-46.
*Contact and simplification: historical baggage, and directionality in linguistic change.Linguistic typology5,2, 371-4.
*Greek dialects: linguistic and social typology. In Angela Ralli, Brian Joseph & Mark Janse (eds) Proceedings of the first international conference of modern Greek dialects and linguistic theory.Patras: Patras University Press,263-272.
*Received Pronunciation: sociolinguistic aspects.Studia Anglica Posnaniensia,36, 3-13.
*Handbook of Linguistic Variation and Change (editor with J.K. Chambers and N. Schilling-Estes). Oxford: Blackwell.
*Sociolinguistic Variation and Change.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp.x + 197.
*Alternative histories of English(editor with R. Watts). London: Routledge, pp. 280.
*International English: a guide to varieties of Standard English (with J. Hannah). Fourth edition. London: Edward Arnold.
*Linguistic and social typology. In J.K. Chambers, N. Schilling-Estes and P. Trudgill (eds.)Handbook of Linguistic *Variation and Change. Oxford: Blackwell, 707-728.
*The history of the lesser-known varieties of English. In Watts and Trudgill (eds.),Alternative histories of English.London: Routledge, 29-44.
*English as an endangered language. In A. Jyu and M. Megan (eds.)Reflecting Teaching: reflection and innovation in language teaching and learning. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Press, 11-20.
*Dynamichavein North American and British Isles English. (With Terttu Nevalainen and Ilse Wischer) English Language and Linguistics, 6, 1-15.
*Personal history: Peter Trudgill. In E.K. Brown and V. Law (eds.)Linguistics in Britain.Oxford: Blackwell = Publications of the Philological Society 36, 286-296.
*A glossary of sociolinguistics.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
*The Norfolk dialect.Cromer: Poppyland Publishing, pp. 103.
*Linguistic archaeology: the Scottish input to New Zealand English phonology. (with Margaret Maclagan and Gillian Lewis.) Journal of English Linguistics31, 103-124.
*Linguistic changes in pan-world English. In C. Tschichold (ed.)English Core Linguistics: essays in honour of DavidAllerton.Bern: Peter Lang, 55-68.
*Functional compensation and southern peninsular Spanish /s/ loss. Folia Linguistica Historica23, 31-57(withJuan Manuel Hernández-Campoy).
*Modern Greek dialects: a preliminary classification.Journal of Greek Linguistics4,45-63.
*On the reversibility of mergers: /w/, /v/ and evidence from lesser-known Englishes (With Daniel Schreier, Daniel Long and Jeffrey P. Williams).Folia Linguistica Historica24, 23-46.
*The uniformitarian principle and the Ausbau sociolinguistics of mediaeval Bergen.Norsk Linguistisk Tidskrift2003, 2, 216-220.
*New dialect formation: the inevitability of colonial Englishes. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
*New Zealand English: its origins and evolution (With E. Gordon, L. Campbell, J. Hay and M. Maclagan). Cambridge: C.U.P.
*HSK Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik Vol. I (editor with U. Ammon, N. Dittmar & K. Mattheier). Berlin: de Gruyter.
*Linguistic and social typology: the Austronesian migrations and phoneme inventories.Linguistic Typology, 8, 305-320.
*On the complexity of simplification.Linguistic Typology, 8, 384-388.
*The impact of language contact and social structure on linguistic structure: focus on the dialects of Modern Greek. In B. Kortmann ed.Dialect meets typology: dialect grammar from a cross-linguistic perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 435-451.
*Ausbau et Abstand: la sociolinguistique des minorités linguistiques. In Jean-Michel Eloy (ed.)Des langues collatérales: problèmes linguistiques, sociolinguistiques et glottopolitiques de la proximité linguistique. Amiens: Université de Picardie Jules Verne,69-76.
*The last Yankee in the Pacific: Eastern New England Phonology in the Bonin Islands.American Speech, 79,4, 356-367. (With Daniel Long).
*Glocalisation and the Ausbau sociolinguistics of modern Europe.In Anna Duszak and Urszula Okulska (eds.)Speaking from the margin: global English from a European perspective. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 35-49.
*English input to New Zealand. In R. Hickey (ed.)The legacy of colonial English: a study in transported dialects.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 440-455. (With Elizabeth Gordon).
*The dialect of East Anglia: phonology. In B. Kortmann & E. Schneider (eds.)Handbook ofVarieties of English,vol. I. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 163-177.
*The dialect of East Anglia: morphology and syntax. In B. Kortmann & E. Schneider (eds.).Handbook ofVarieties of English,vol. II. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 142-153.
*Sociolinguistics: an overview. In U. Ammonet al.(eds.), Vol. I.
*HSK Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik Vol. II(editor with U. Ammon, NDittmar & K. Mattheier). Berlin: de Gruyter.
*The birth of new dialects. In P. Auer, F. Hinskens & P. E. Kerswill (eds.)Dialect change: the convergence and divergence of dialects in contemporary societies.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 196-220. (With Paul Kerswill).
*New-dialect formation and contact-induced reallocation: three case studies from the Fens.International Journal of English Studies 5 (1), 183-209.(With David Britain.)
*Native-speaker segmental phonological models and the English Lingua Franca Core.In K Dziubalska and J Przedlacka (eds.)English Pronunciation Models: a changing scene. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 77-98.
*Finding the speaker-listener equilibrium: segmental phonological models in EFL. In K Dziubalska and J Przedlacka (eds.)English Pronunciation Models: a changing scene. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 213-228.
*HSK Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik Vol. III(editor with U. Ammon, N. Dittmar & K. Mattheier). Berlin: de Gruyter.
*Greece and Cyprus. In U. Ammonet al.(eds.), Vol. III. (With D. Schreier.)
*The segmental phonology of 19thcentury Tristan da Cunha English: convergence and local innovation (with D. Schreier).English Language & Linguistics10, 1, 119-41.
*Predicting the past: dialect archaeology and Australian English rhoticity (with Elizabeth Gordon).English World-Wide, 27,3, 235-246.
*Norm og variasjon – utvalgte språkstudier 1974-2005(Festschrift for Geirr Wiggen). Novus: Oslo (editor with E. H. Jahr).
*Late-nineteenth-century Bonin English. Chapter 5 of D. LongEnglish on the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands. Publication of the *American Dialect Society 91. Durham: Duke University Press (with D. Long).
*Sociolinguistic dialect typology: contact and isolation in Nordic dialects. In Torben Arboe (ed.)Nordisk dialektologi og sociolingvistik.Aarhus University, 33-53.
*In Sfakia: passing time in the wilds of Crete.Athens: Lycabettus Press.
*International English.: a guide to varieties of Standard English(with J. Hannah). Fifth edition. London: Hodder Arnold.
*Colonial dialect contact in the history of European languages: on the irrelevance of identity to new-dialect formation.Language in Society’ 37, 2, 241-254.
*On the role of children, and the mechanical view: a rejoinder.Language in Society37, 2, 277-280.
*The role of dialect contact in the formation of Englishes. In M. Locher and J. Strässler (eds.)Standards and norms in the English Language.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 69-83.
*The historical sociolinguistics of elite accent change: on why RP is not disappearing.Studia Anglica Posnaniensia,44, 1-12.
*English Dialect “default singulars”,wasvs.were, Verners Law, and Germanic dialects.Journal of English Linguistics36, 4.
*Dialects and democracy. In Olaf Husby (ed.)A short introduction to Norwegian dialects.Trondheim: Tapir, 9-11.
*Language complexity as an evolving variable(editor with D. Gil and G. Sampson). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
*Sociolinguistic typology and complexification. In G. Sampson, D. Gil and P. Trudgill (eds.) Language complexity as an evolving variable. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 97-108.
*Vernacular universals and the sociolinguistic typology of English dialects. In Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Heli Paulasto (eds.)Vernacular universals and language contacts: evidence from varieties of English and beyond. London: Routledge, 302-320.
*Adam Jaworski (eds.)The new sociolinguistics reader. London: Palgrave
*Contact, isolation, and complexity in Arabic. In Enam Al-Wer and Rudolf de Jong (eds.)Arabic dialectology. Leiden: Brill, 173-185.
*Greek dialect vowel systems, vowel dispersion theory, and sociolinguistic typology.Journal of Greek Linguistics9,80–97.
*Lesser-known Englishes(editor with E. Schneider, D. Schreier, and J Williams). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
*Investigations in sociohistorical linguistics: stories of colonisation and contact.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
*Contact and sociolinguistic typology. In R. Hickey (ed.)Handbook of language contact. Oxford: Blackwell, 299-319.
*Social structure, language contact and language change. In Ruth Wodak, Barbara Johnstone and Paul Kerswill (eds.)Sociolinguistics handbook.London: Sage.
*Sociolinguistic typology: social determinants of linguistic complexity.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
*A tale of two copulas: language-contact speculations on first-millennium England. In Michael Schulte and Robert Nedoma (eds.)Language and literacy in early Scandinavia and beyond=NOWELE62/63, 285-320.
*Social structure and phoneme inventories.Linguistic Typology15, 155-60.
*English as a killer language. In Lieselotte Anderwald (ed.)Sprachmythen: Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit?Frankfurt: Lang, 29-40.
*On the sociolinguistic typology of linguistic complexity loss. InFrank Seifart, Geoffrey Haig, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Dagmar Jung, Anna Margetts, and Paul Trilsbeek (eds.)Potentials of language documentation: methods, analyses, and utilization. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 3. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 91–96. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/4521
*Varieties of English: dialect contact. In Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton (eds.)Historical linguistics of English. Berlin: Mouton, 2044-2059.
*Gender reduction in Bergen Norwegian: a North-Sea perspective. In Ernst Håkon Jahr and Lennart Elmevik (eds.)Contact between Low German and Scandinavian in the late Middle Ages – 25 years of research. Uppsala: Royal Gustavus Academy,57-74.
*On the functionality of linguistic change.Current Anthropology53,609-610.
*Sociolinguistic typology. Audio interview “New Books in Language”http://newbooksinlanguage.com/2012/11/18/peter-trudgill-sociolinguistic-typology-social-determinants-of-linguistic-complexity-oxford-up-2011/
*East Anglia. In Bernd Kortmann and Kerstin Lunkenheimer (eds.)The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English. Berlin: De Gruyter, 88-97.
*On the fragility of language status:Abstand, distance, and the ecology of Ausbau sociolinguistics. In E H Jahr, Peter Trudgill and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.)Language ecology for the 21stcentury.
*On the sociolinguistics of non-equicomplexity. In Guido Seiler andRaffaela Baechler (eds.). Isolation and complexity.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
*The spread of English. In Markku Filppula, Devyani Sharma, and Juhani Klemola (eds.)The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
*Gender maintenance and loss in Totenmålet, English, and other major Germanic varieties. In Terje Lohndal (ed.)In Search of Universal Grammar: From Old Norse to Zoque. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
*Contact-related processes of change in the history of the English language. In M. Kytö and P. Pahta (eds.)The Cambridge handbook of English historical linguistics.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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