!!Balazs Trencsenyi - Curriculum vitae

[Full CV|trencsenyi_balazs-cv-2012.pdf]
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09/98 – 06/04	__Central European University__, Budapest, Hungary\\
Department of History, __Ph.D.__ ‘Summa cum Laude’ in Comparative History, supervisor: László Kontler, Dissertation: \\''Discourses of Nationhood in Early Modern Europe'' (2004)
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08/97—06/98	__Central European University__, Budapest, Hungary\\
Nationalism Studies Program, __MA__ with distinction; supervisor: Mária M. Kovács. Thesis: ''Patriotism, Elect Nation, and Reason of State: Patterns of Community and the 'Political Languages of Hungarian Nationhood''' in the Early Modern Period (1998)
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1992-97	__Invisible College__, Budapest, Hungary\\
	Concentration: political philosophy, methodologies of social science research and the intellectual history of nationalism. Tutors: Mária Ludassy, György Bence, Ferenc Huoranszki, László Bertalan. 
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09/91-06/97	__Eötvös Loránd University__, Budapest, Hungary\\
	Department of Philosophy and History, MA with distinction in Philosophy, in 1997. Thesis: ''Reason Without State: Modalities of Political Community and the Adaptation of Ragion di Stato in the Works of Miklós Zrínyi''
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09/87-06/91 	__Ferenc Toldy Secondary Grammar School__, Budapest; concentration: History and Literature