!!Lloyd Nicholas Trefethen - Curriculum Vitae
__RESEARCH INTERESTS:__ Numerical mathematics, and in particular:\\
1. Finite difference and spectral methods for ordinary and partial differential equations\\
2. Numerical linear algebra\\
3. Numerical conformal mapping and computational complex analysis\\
4. Approximation theory, quadrature, and Chebfun\\
5. Eigenvalues, pseudospectra and dynamics\\
*Global Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, New York U., 2013\\
*Professor of Numerical Analysis and Fellow of Balliol College, University of Oxford: 1997-\\
*Associate and Full Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University: 1991-97\\
*Assistant and Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, MIT: 1984-91\\
*NSF Postdoct. Fellow and Adj. Asst. Prof., Courant Institute, New York University: 1982-84
*PhD (Computer Science/Numerical Analysis), Stanford University: 1982\\
*MS (Computer Science/Numerical Analysis), Stanford University: 1980\\
*AB summa cum laude( Applied Mathematics), Harvard College: 1977
*Honorary doctorate, Stellenbosch U., 2019\\
*Honorary doctorate, U. of Fribourg, 2018\\
*Pólya Prize for Mathematical Exposition (SIAM): 2017\\
*Naylor Prize, London Mathematical Society, 2013\\
*Gold Medal, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK): 2011\\
*Von Neumann Professor, TU Munich: 2010\\
*Matheon Professor, TU Berlin: 2010\\
*Divisional Teaching Award, U. of Oxford: 2009\\
*National Academy of Engineering (USA): 2007\\
*Fellowship of the Royal Society (UK): 2005\\
*Dean's Prize for Excellence and Innovation and Teaching and Advising, Cornell U.: 1994\\
*NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award: 1986-91\\
*Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT: 1990\\
*IBM Faculty Development Award: 1986-88\\
*First Prize, Fox Competition in Numerical Analysis: 1985\\
*NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship: 1982-84\\
*Hertz Foundation Fellowship: 1980-82\\
*NSF Graduate Fellowship: 1977-80\\
*Phi Beta Kappa: 1975 (elected as a Junior at Harvard College)
*ERC Advanced Grant, “Computing with functions instead of numbers”: 2012-2017\\
*EPSRC, “Scientific Computing and the Chebfun System”: 2006-1010\\
AFFILIATIONS SIAM (Council 1996-2001, Board of Trustees 2004-11,P resident 2011-2012;  Fellow)\\
American Mathematical Society(Fellow)\\
SIAM UK and Republic of Ireland Section (President, 2005-2007)\\
London Mathematical Society Institute of Maths. and its Applications (Fellow)\\
*Editor, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis:1984-1999\\
*Associate Editor, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics:1987-2012\\
*Associate Editor and Editor, Numerische Mathematik:1988-1999\\
*Editor, SIAM Review:1989-2008 and 2014-2017\\
*Section Editor, Survey and Review articles, SIAM Review:1998-2002\\
*Associate Editor, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics:1991-1996\\
*Associate Editor, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis:1997-Editor, Calcolo:1998-2012\\
*Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications:2001-2007\\
*Associate Editor, Advances in Computational Mathematics:2001-2006\\
*Associate Editor, Computational Methods in FunctionTheory:2001-2013\\
*Member of Editorial Board, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: 2003-2008\\
*Editor, Acta Numerica, 2008-\\
PhD/DPhil STUDENTS 24so  far  at  MIT,  Cornell  and  Oxford:  Alan  Edelman,  Louis  Howell,  Walter  Mascarenhas, Satish  Reddy,  Noël  Nachtigal,Toby  Driscoll,  Kim-Chuan  Toh,  Jeffrey  Baggett,  Divakar Viswanath,  Thomas Wright, Lehel Banjai,  Aly-Khan Kassam,  Timo Betcke,  Zachary Battles, Teik-Wynn  Tee,  Thomas  Schmelzer,  Nick  Hale,  Ricardo  Pachón, Ásgeir  Birkisson,  Mark Richardson,  Alex  Townsend, Anthony  Austin, Mohsin  Javed,  Hadrien  Montanelli.   12of these are launched on academic careers; details available at home page.\\
About 130 journal publications, 30 essays, and 7 books: \\
*Kliakhandler Lecturer, Michigan Tech, October 2018\\
*Aziz Lecturer, University of Maryland College Park, September 2018\\
*ANZIAM annual meeting, February 2018\\
*Erceg Fellow, New Zealand, November 2017\\
*Di Prima Lecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, September 2017\\
*Nieuwland Lecture, U. of Notre Dame, April 2015\\
*Gentry Lecturer, Wake Forest U.: April 2014F\\
*engKang Lecture, Chinese Academy of Sciences: November 2011\\
*Nanqiang Lecturer, Xiamen U.: November 2011\\
*Courant Institute 75thAnniversary, New York U.: May 2011\\
*Ziwet Lectures, U. of Michigan: April 2011\\
*Courant Lecture, U. of Heidelberg: May 2010\\
*Milliman Lectures, U. of Washington: April 2010\\
*Menger Lecture, Illinois Institute of Technology: April 2008\\
*Norbert Wiener Lecturer, Tufts U.: October 2005\\
*A. R. Mitchell Lecturer, Dundee Biennial Conf. on Numerical Analysis: June 2005\\
*Rees Lecturer, U. of Delaware: April 2003\\
*SIAM 50thAnniversary Annual Meeting, Philadelphia: July 2002\\
*Joint Plenary Lecture, British Maths. and Applied Maths. Colloquia, Warwick: April 2002\\
*Dundee/Strathclyde Biennial Confs. on Numerical Analysis: 1997, 2001,2011\\
*Keynote speaker, SANUM, U. of Stellenbosch, South Africa: 1999, 2011, and 2016\\
*International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin: Aug. 1998\\
*International Congress on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Hamburg: July 1995\\
*+ other lectures at about 250 universities and research institutions in 32 countries of Europe, North and South America, Australia, Asia, and Africa.\\ \\