!!Mads Thomsen
!Short laudatio by Svend Erik Larsen
In spite of being an early stage researcher Mads Rosendahl Thomsen already has an impressive international track record at the cutting edge of the discipline: world literature studies and memory studies. His recent and well acclaimed book Mapping World Literature (2008) is already in the 2nd printing. His is coeditor of one the volumes of world literature project at Routledge and contributor to others, and on the board ofthe summer school initiative—in—the—making on world literature, lead by David Damrosch, Harvard. He has a long experience of editor of the outstanding and award winning literary and cultural journal Passage where he uses his international contacts to make the most recent scholarship accessible for a Danish audience. He has been active in the international doctoral school network in comparative studies Hermes since 2003, first as a doctoral student, now as member of the board, he has been running and interfaculty and interinstitutional research network on memory studies with an international outreach. He is also peer reviewer with important international journals (American Political Science Review, Orbis Litterarurn) and for ESF. As literary critic in Danish dailies he has always opened the door to the international literary and cultural world. His third book, The New Human in Literature Visions of Changes in Body, Mind and Society after 1900, is in process with Continuum Press, and his complete bibliography is already longer and broader and that of many senior colleagues.


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