!!Lothar Thiele - Major publications (Selected from over 380): 
[List of publications|2010-Thiele-CV.pdf]
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Lothar Thiele, Simon Perathoner: Performance Prediction of Distributed Platforms;
Model-Based Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pages 3-25, November, 2009.
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Lothar Thiele, Ernesto Wandeler, Samarjit Chakraborty: A Stream-Oriented Component Model for Performance Analysis of Multiprocessor DSPs; IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, special Issue on Hardware/Software Co-design for DSP, IEEE, Vol. 22, No. 3, pages 38--46, May, 2005.
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Eckart Zitzler, Lothar Thiele, Johannes Bader: On Set-Based Multiobjective Optimization; IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2009
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Marco Laumanns, Lothar Thiele, Eckart Zitzler: Running Time Analysis of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms on Pseudo-Boolean Functions; IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 8, No. 2, pages 170—182, April, 2004.
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Ernesto Wandeler, Lothar Thiele, Marcel Verhoef, Paul Lieverse: System Architecture
Evaluation Using Modular Performance Analysis - A Case Study Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT); Springer, Vol. 8, No. 6, pages 649 - 667, October, 2006.
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Clemens Moser, Davide Brunelli, Lothar Thiele, Luca Benini: Real-Time Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes; Real-Time Systems Journal, Springer
Science+Business Media, Netherlands, Vol. 37, No.3. pages 223-260, 2007.
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Karsten Strehl, Lothar Thiele: Interval Diagrams for Efficient Symbolic Verification of Process Networks; IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, Vol. 19, No. 8, pages 939-956, August, 2000.
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Wolfgang Haid, Kai Huang, Iuliana Bacivarov, Lothar Thiele: Multiprocessor SoC Software Design Flows; IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 6, pages 64-71, November, 2009.
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Ernesto Wandeler, Lothar Thiele: Workload correlations in multi-processor hard real-time systems; Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 73, No. 2, pages 207-224, March, 2007.
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Ernesto Wandeler, Lothar Thiele, Marcel Verhoef, Paul Lieverse: System Architecture Evaluation Using Modular Performance Analysis - A Case Study; Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), Springer, Vol. 8, No. 6, pages 649 - 667, October, 2006.
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Marco Laumanns, Lothar Thiele, Eckart Zitzler: An efficient, adaptive parameter variation scheme for metaheuristics based on the epsilon-constraint method;
European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, Vol. 169, No. 3, pages 932-942, March, 2006.