!!Kate Tchanturia - Curriculum Vitae

*Professor in Psychology of Eating Disorders, King’s College London, University of London, UK\\
*Consultant (lead) Psychologist for National Eating Disorder Service South London and Maudsley NHS foundation Trust
__Professional Membership (main):__
*British Psychological Society since 1997; Fellow since 2014\\
*Academy of Eating Disorders since 1998; Fellow since 2015\\
*Higher Education Academy Fellow since 2016\\
*Health Professionals Council since 2010
__Research activities:__\\
Authored 4 monographs, 1 handbook in Georgian, 3 handbooks in English; 250 peer reviewed publications in English. Several early papers in Georgian, Russian (for more details: [https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/kate.tchanturia.html]\\
H index: Web of Science 53; Scopus 56; Google scholar 80; citation 18 370 (March 2021) \\
Associate editor of European Eating Disorder Review (IF 3.9) since 2015\\
Grant income totals 8 ml pounds (as PI 3mln.)\\
__Clinical activities:__
*Leading National eating disorder unit at the Maudsley (about 24 psychologists)\\
*Training Clinical Psychology doctoral students; authored 6 research informed clinical manuals in English (details in [https://www.katetchanturia.com] publications)\\
*During pandemic developed the website [https://www.peacepathway.org] for autism clinical pathway\\
*Supervised 32 PhD students in total, up to 50 MSc and several Clinical Doctoral dissertations\\
*External examiner for Russel group Universities, also Europe and Australia\\
*International invited teachings and sabbaticals include Stanford University USA, Flinders University Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South America, Europe\\ \\