!!Val Tannen - Curriculum Vitae
*Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, Computer Engineering, Engineer Diploma 1977\\
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Applied Mathematics/Computer Science, PhD, 1983 - 1987. (IBM Graduate Fellowship 1985 - 1987)\\
*MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Postdoc in Computer Science, 1987
*Fall 2023, Visiting Scientist, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing,  Berkeley\\
*Spring 2020 and 2011-2012, Visiting Professor, EPFL, Switzerland (sabbatical)\\
*Fall 2019, KITHCT Chair Visiting Professor, NUS, Singapore (sabbatical)\\
*Fall 2016, Visiting Scientist, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing,  Berkeley \\
*2011 - 2012, Visiting Professor, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland (sabbatical)\\
*2002 - 2003, Visiting Professor,  University of Athens, and Visiting Researcher, FORTH, Crete, Greece (sabbatical)\\
*1994 - 1995, Visiting Professor, Universite de Paris XI, Orsay, and Visiting Researcher, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France (sabbatical)\\
*1987 - now, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, CIS Dept., University of Pennsylvania\\
*1985, 1986, Researcher, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
__Some Professional Activities__
*2022, Lecturer at EDBT Summer School, Bordeaux, France\\
*Member (2018), Vice-Chair (2019), and Chair (2020), ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee\\
*Founding Board Member, Phyloinformatics Research Foundation\\
*Editorial Board, "Information Systems" (Elsevier)\\
*Editor, "Logic and Databases" Major Area, Encyclopedia of Database Systems\\
*1999 - 2002 and again 2012-2014,  Chair, Computer and Information Science Graduate Group, UPenn.\\
*2010 - 2015 iPTOL-iPlant Steering Committee\\
*2007 - 2009 Scientific Advisory Committee, Penn Genomic Frontiers Institute\\
*2 US patents
__Program Committees:__ \\
30+ conferences and workshops, 6 as chair\\
__Speaker invitations:__ 
*“The Semiring Framework for Database Provenance”, Gems of PODS Plenary Address, PODS 2017\\
*20+ conferences/workshops (keynotes etc.)\\
*50+ universities and industrial research labs\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit vtannen}][{ALLOW upload vtannen}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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