!!Isao Tanihata - Curriculum Vitae
Isao Tanihata started off his scientific work in the classical field of nuclear beta decay at Osaka university, where he obtained his PhD in the seventies. After a post-doc period at Berkeley (USA), he became assistant professor at the university of Tokyo. Another  research stay at Berkeley in the mid eighties lead to the seminal discovery of nuclear halos and the powerful method of fast-beam fragmentation for production and study of radioactive nuclei. This opened the door for the completely new field of exotic nuclei, which he pursued up to today, and which prompted a huge number of new insights into the structure of nuclei far from the valley of stability. As an outstanding scientist he was  invited to various universities and laboratories in North-America, Asia and Europe, and was awarded several professorships, doctorates honoris causae, and prizes. Throughout the years, he contributed to academic education of young scientists. He served many scientific committees and has organized many conferences.
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__Selection of positions:__
*2010- present Professor, Beihang university, Beijing, China\\
*2007-2008 Visiting Research Scientist, GANIL, France\\
*2004-2006 Visiting Senior Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, USA\\
*2002-2005 Professor, Hanoi University of Natural Science, Vietnam\\
*2000-2003 Professor, Graduate School, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan\\
*1999- Visiting Professor, Peking University, China\\
*1997-2003 Visiting Professor, Tokyo Science University\\
*1985-86 Associate professor, Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo\\
*1985-85 Research scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA
__He has been member of important committees and boards worldwide:__
*1990 - 2004 Nuclear Physics Committee of Japan\\
*1994 - 2004 Japan Science Council (Physics Committee)\\
*1994 - 2004 Associate editor of “Nuclear Physics A”\\
*1997 - 2004 Supervisory Board of “Nuclear Physics A”\\
*1995 - 1996 International advisory of “Journal of Physics G”\\
*1995 - 2003 Nishina Prize selection committee\\
*1996 - 2005 Editorial board of “Journal of Physics G”\\
*1997 - 1999 OECD MegaScience Forum, nuclear physics working group\\
*1999 - 2000 Atomic Energy Commission basic science committee\\
*1999 - 2000 OECD Global Science Forum, Radioactive nuclear beams group\\
*2000 - 2003 Atomic Energy Commission, accelerator science group\\
*2004 - 2007 Sub-atomic physics Experimental Evaluation Committee, TRIUMF\\
*2008 Super-FRS Review Committee, GSI, Germany\\
*2014 - present Spokesperson of Super-FRS collaboration, GSI-FAIR, GSI