!!Marek Tamm - Biography
Marek Tamm (born in 1973 in Tallinn) is Professor of Cultural History in Tallinn University (TLU). He is also Head of TLU Centre of Excellence in Intercultural Studies, Head of the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts, Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and Member of the Research and Development Council of the Estonian Government.\\
Graduated in history and semiotics at the University of Tartu (1998), he earned his master degree in medieval studies from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (1999) and his doctorate degree in medieval history from TLU (2009). Author of six books, of a more than hundred scholarly articles, and editor of some forty collections of articles and special issues.\\
He is an active member of various international academic organizations and networks. Since 2016 he is the member of the Board of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography, he is also Estonian ambassador of the International Network for Theory of History. In 2013–22 he was the member of the Committee of the International Society for Cultural History.\\
He has led and participated in many national and international research projects, including most recently the ERA Chair project "Cultural Data Analytics" (2019 – 2023), funded by the European Commission, and “Digital Livonia: For a Digitally Enhanced Study of Medieval Livonia" (2021 – 2025), funded by the Estonian Research Council.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mtamm}][{ALLOW upload mtamm}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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