!!Jan Strelau - List of selected publications (in English only)
__Books (author)__
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__Strelau, J.__ (1983). ''Temperament-personality-activity''. London: Academic Press.
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__Strelau, J.__ (1998). ''Temperament: A psychological perspective''. New York: Plenum Press. 
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__Strelau, J__., Angleitner, A., & Newberry, B. H. (1999). ''The Pavlovian Temperament Survey (PTS): An international handbook''. Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
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__Strelau, J__. (2008). ''Temperament as a regulator of behavior: After fifty years of research''. Clinton Corners, NJ: Eliot Werner Publications.
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__Books (editor)__
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__Strelau, J__. (Ed.). (1985). ''Temperamental bases of behavior: Warsaw studies on individual differences''. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
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__Strelau, J__., Farley, F. H. & Gale, A. (Eds.). (1985). ''The biological bases of personality and behavior: Theories, measurement techniques, and development'' (Vol. 1). Washington: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
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__Strelau, J__., Farley, F. H. & Gale, A. (Eds.). (1986). ''The biological bases of personality and behavior: Psychophysiology, performance, and application'' (Vol. 2). Washington: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
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__Strelau, J__. & Eysenck, H. J. (Eds.). (1987). ''Personality dimensions and arousal''. New York: Plenum Press.
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__Strelau, J__. & Angleitner, A. (Eds.). (1991). ''Explorations in temperament: International perspectives on theory and measurement''. New York: Plenum Press.
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__Strelau, J__., & Klonowicz, T. (Eds.). (2006). ''People under extreme stress: An individual differences approach''. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publisher.
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__Journal Papers__
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__Strelau, J.__ (1972). A diagnosis of temperament by nonexperimental techniques. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 3, 97-105.
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__Strelau, J__. (1974). Temperament as an expression of energy level and temporal features of behavior. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 5, 119-127.
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__Strelau, J__. (1975). Pavlov's typology and current investigations in this area. ''Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie'', 30, 177-200.
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__Strelau, J__. (1975). Reactivity and activity style in selected occupations. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 6, 199-206.
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__Strelau, J__. (1977). Behavioral mobility versus flexibility and fluency of thinking: An empirical test of the relationship between temperament and abilities. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 8, 75-82.
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__Strelau, J__. (1982). Biologically determined dimensions of personality or temperament? ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 3, 355-360.
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__Strelau, J__. (1983). A regulative theory of temperament. ''Australian Journal of Psychology'', 35, 305-317.
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__Strelau, J__. (1984). Zuckerman's sensation-seeking theory: A view from Eastern Europe. ''The Behavioral and Brain Sciences'', 7, 451-452.
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__Strelau, J__. (1986). Pavlovian properties of the nervous system in connection to extraversion-introversion. ''Psychologische Beiträge'', 28, 192-205.
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__Strelau, J__. (1987). The concept of temperament in personality research. ''European Journal of Personality'', 1, 107-117.
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__Strelau, J__. (1987). Emotion as a key concept in temperament research. ''Journal of Research in Personality'', 21, 510-528.
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__Strelau, J.__ Angleitner, A., Bantelmann, J., & Ruch, W. (1990). The Strelau Temperament Inventory - Revised (STI-R): Theoretical considerations and scale development. ''European Journal of Personality'', 4, 209-235.
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Ruch, W., Angleitner, A., & __Strelau, J__. (1991). The Strelau Temperament Inventory-Revised (STI-R): Validity studies. ''European Journal of Personality'', 5, 287-308.
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__Strelau, J__. (1991). Are psychophysiological/psychophysical scores good candidates for diagnosing temperament/personality traits and for a demonstration of the construct validity of psychometrically measured traits? ''European Journal of Personality'', 5, 323-342.
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__Strelau, J__., & Zawadzki, B. (1993). The Formal Characteristics of Behavior – Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI): Theoretical assumptions and scale construction. ''European Journal of Personality'', 7, 313-336.
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__Strelau, J__., & Angleitner, A. (1994). Cross-cultural studies on temperament: Theoretical considerations and empirical studies based on the Pavlovian Temperament Survey (PTS). ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 16, 331-342.
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__Strelau, J__. (1995). Theory and research on inhibited and uninhibited temperaments as a unique approach to children's temperament. ''Psychological Inquiry'', 6, 339-343.
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__Strelau, J__., & Zawadzki, B. (1995). The Formal Characteristics of Behaviour--Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI): Validity studies. ''European Journal of Personality'', 9, 207-229.
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__Strelau, J__. (1996). The regulative theory of temperament: Current status. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 20, 131-142.
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__Strelau, J__.  (1997). The contribution of Pavlov’s typology of CNS properties to personality research. ''European Psychologist'', 2, 125-138.
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Ball, D., Hill, L., Freeman, B., Eley, T. C., __Strelau, J.__, Riemann, R., Spinath, F. M., Angleitner, A., & Plomin, R. (1997). The serotonin transporter gene and peer-rated neuroticism. ''NeuroReport'', 8, 1301-1304.
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Riemann, R., Angleitner, A., & __Strelau__, J. (1997). Genetic and environmental influences on personality: A study of twins reared together using the self- and peer report NEO-FFI scales. ''Journal of Personality'', 65, 449-475. 
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De Pascalis, V., __Strelau, J__., & Zawadzki B. (1999). The effect of temperamental traits on event-related potentials, heart rate and reaction time. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 26, 441-465.
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De Pascalis, V., Zawadzki, B., & __Strelau J.__ (2000). The Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI): Preliminary results of the Italian version. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 28, 287-298.
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Zawadzki, B., Oniszczenko, W., __Strelau, J__., & Angleitner, A. (2000). Evidence for genetic influence on the ‘big five’ personality dimensions: Self-report and peer-rating twin study. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 31, 29-54. 
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__Strelau, J__. (2001). The concept and status of trait in research on temperament. ''European Journal of Personality'', 15, 311-325.
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Zawadzki, B., __Strelau, J__., Oniszczenko, W., Riemann, R., & Angleitner, A., (2001). Genetic and environmental influences on temperament: The Polish-German twin study, based on self-report and peer-rating. ''European Psychologist'', 6, 272-286.
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Sobolewski, A., __Strelau, J__., & Zawadzki, B. (2001). The temperamental determinants of stressors as life changes: A genetic analysis. ''European Psychologist'', 6, 287-295.
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__Strelau, J__. (2001). The contribution of genetics to psychology today and in the decade to follow. ''European Psychologist'', 227-228.
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__Strelau, J__., Zawadzki, B., Oniszczenko, W., Angleitner, A., & Riemann, R. (2002). Genetic and environmental determinants of emotions: Data based on cross-country twin studies on temperament. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 33, 5-13.
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Szarota, P., Zawadzki, B., & __Strelau, J__. (2002). Big five domain and gender as determinants of rater agreement: A comparison based on self- and peer-rating on the Polish Adjective List. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 33, 1265-1277.
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Oniszczenko, W., Zawadzki, B., Strelau, J., Riemann, R., Angleitner, A., & Spinath, F. M. (2003). Genetic and environmental determinants of temperament: A comparative study based on Polish and German samples. ''European Journal of Personality'', 17, 207-220.
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__Strelau, J__., Zawadzki, B. (2004). Trauma and temperament as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder and its dimensions 3,15 month and two years after experiencing flood. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 35, 5-13. 
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Wolf, H., Angleitner, A., Spinath, F. M., Riemann, R., & __Strelau, J__. (2004). Genetic and environmental influences on the EPQ-RS scales: A twin study using self- and peer reports. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 37, 579-590.
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Miklewska, A., & __Strelau, J__. (2004).  The relationship between adolescents’ school adjustment and their temperament according to teachers’ expectations. ''Polish Psychological Bulletin'', 35, 189-196.
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Brzeziński, J., __Strelau, J__. (2005). Polish psychology in the period of political transformation (1989-2003). ''European Psychologist'', 10, 39-50.
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Kozak, B., __Strelau, J__., & Miles, J. N. V. (2005). Genetic determinants of individual differences in coping styles. ''Anxiety, Stress, and Coping'', 18, 1-15.
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__Strelau, J__., & Zawadzki, B. (2005). Trauma and temperament as predictors of intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after disaster. ''European Psychologist'', 10, 124-135.
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Miklewska, A., Kaczmarek, M., & __Strelau, J__. (2006). The relationship between temperament and intelligence: Cross-sectional study in successive age groups. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 40, 643-654.
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Cieślak, R., Korczyńska, __Strelau, J__., & Kaczmarek, M. (2008). Burnout predictors among prison officers: The moderating effect of temperamental endurance. ''Personality and Individual Differences'', 45, 666-672.