!!David Stephenson - Publications
[List of Publications|stephenson_david_publications.pdf]
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__Major publications__
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1. Stephenson, D.B., V. Pavan, and R. Bojariu, 2000: Is the North Atlantic Oscillation a
random walk? ''International Journal of Climatology'', 20, 1-18. [[114 citations (*)]
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2, Warmer, H., S. Broimirnann, C. Casty, D. Gyalistras, J. Luterbacher, C. Schmutz, D.B.
Stephenson, E. Xoplaki, 2001: North Atlantic Oscillation - concepts and studies, ''Survey
Geophysics'', 22, 321-381. [[125 citations] .
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3. Ambaum, M.H.P., B.J. Hoskins, and D.B. Stephenson, 2001: Arctic Oscillation or
North Atlantic Oscillation? ''J. Climate'', 14, 3495-3507. [[179 citations]
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4. Baldwin, M.P., D.B. Stephenson, D.W.J. Thompson, T.J. Dunkerton, A.J. Charlton,
and A. O'Neill 2003: Stratospheric Memory and Skill of Extended-Range Weather
Forecasts, ''Science'' 301: 636-640. [[80 citations]
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5. Stephenson, D.B., A. Hannachi, and A. O’Neill, 2004: On the existence of multiple
climate regimes, ''Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society'', 130, 583-605.
[[50 citations]
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6. Burgers, G, and D.B. Stephenson, 1999: The "Normality" of El Nino, ''Geophysical.
Res. Letters'', 26, 1027-1030. [[59 citations] 
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7. Stephenson, D.B. 2000: Use of the "odds ratio" for diagnosing forecast skill, ''Weather
and Forecasting'', Vol. 15, No. 2, 221-232. [[68 citations] 
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8. Beniston, M., Stephenson, D.B,, et al. (2007): Future extreme events in European
climate: an exploration of regional climate model projections, ''Climatic Change'', 81
(Supplement 1), pp 71-95. [[52 citations]
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9. Alexander, L.V., D.B. Stephenson, etal., (2006): Global observed changes in daily
climate extremes of temperature and precipitation, ''J Geophys. Res. (Atmospheres)'', l 11,
D05109. [[93 citations]
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(*) Citation statistics were obtained from ISI Web of Science on 21 November 2009. Note
that ISI incorrectly cites article 1 as having no citations — its correct number of citations can
be found by doing a careful cited reference search.
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[{Image src='stephenson_david_a_practitioners.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='' class='image_left'}]
__High-impact book:__
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10. Jolliffe, I.T. and D.B. Stephenson 2003: "''Forecast Verification: A Practitioners
Guide in Atmospheric Science''" Editors: Wiley and Sons, 240 pp.
In such demand that Wiley have now requested a 2%%sup nd/% edition — to be published in 2011.
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