!!John Speakman - Short curriculum vitae
*Bachelor of Science with Honours in Biology and Psychology, University of Stirling, Scotland. 1980
*Doctor of Philosophy, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland. 1984
*Doctor of Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.1996. DSc (Ab)
*Doctor of Science, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland. 2009. DSc (St)
__Advisory boards__
*Barshop institute Scientific Advisory Board, San Antonio Texas (2005-date),
*Methusalah mouse prize scientific advisory board (2008-date)
*Masterfoods global palatability platform advisory board (2001-2007)
*National Institute of Ageing, USA, Data Safety and Monitoring Board (CALERIE project) (2002 – date)
*American Society of Nutrition, Expert panel on Energy Expenditure (2011)
__Editorial boards__
*Mammal review, 2002 – date
*Aging Cell: section editor. 2004 – 2007:
*Journal of Comparative Physiology 2004 - date.
*Functional Ecology: 2004 - 2009
*Biological Letters: 2008-date
*Science: 2011-date