!!Nico Sommerdijk - Selected Publications
> 250 peer reviewed papers [[11 original research papers in journals with IF > 35: 3x Science, 1 x Nature 4x Nature Mater, 3x Nature Nanotech], 1 book, 9 book contributions, 2 patents; H-index 59, # citations > 12 600 (WoS, average 50)\\
1. G. Mirabello, A. Ianiro, P.H. H. Bomans, T. Yoda, A. Arakaki, H. Friedrich, G. de With N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk\\ Crystallization by particle attachment is a colloidal assembly process\\
Nature Materials, 2019 DOI: 10.1038/s41563-019-0511-4 (Published: 21 October 2019) IF 46,8 citations (-year)\\
2. A. Ianiro, H. Wu, M.J. van Rijt, M.P. Vena, A.D.A. Keizer, A.C.C. Esteves, R. Tuinier, H. Friedrich, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, J.P. Patterson Liquid-liquid Phase Separation during Amphiphilic Self-assembly\\
Nature Chemistry (2019) 11, 320 IF 23,2    17 citations (10 months)\\
3. Y. Xu K.C.H. Tijssen, P.H.H Bomans, A. Akiva, H. Friedrich, A.P.M. Kentgens, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk\\
Microscopic Structure of the Polymer-induced Liquid Precursor for Calcium Carbonate,\\
Nature Communications (2018) 9, 2582                                                                                                            IF 18,9 15 citations (5/year)\\
4. A.E.S. van Driessche, N. van Gerven, P.H.H. Bomans, R.R.M. Joosten, H. Friedrich, D. Gil-Carton, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, M. Sleutel\\
Molecular Nucleation Mechanisms and Control Strategies for Crystal Polymorph Selection, \\
Nature 556, 89-94 (2018)                                                                                                                                         IF 43,1 42 citations (14/year)\\
5. J.J. de Yoreo, P.U.P.A. Gilbert, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, R. Lee Penn, S. Whitelam, D. Joester, H. Zhang, J.D. Rimer, A. Navrostsky, J.F. Banfield, A.F. Wallance, F.M. Michel, F.C. Meldrum, H. Colfen, P.M. Dove\\
Crystallization by Particle Attachment in Synthetic, Biogenic, and Geologic Environments\\
Science 349, aaa676 (2015)                                                                                                                                     IF 41,1  553 citations (92/year)\\
6. P.J.M. Smeets, K. R. Cho, R.G.E. Kempen, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, J.J. De Yoreo,\\
Calcium Carbonate Nucleation Driven by Ion Binding in a Biomimetic Matrix Revealed by In-situ Electron Microscopy,\\
Nature Materials 14, 394-399 (2015)                                                                                                                    IF 46,8 178 citations (28/year)\\
7. W.J.E.M. Habraken, J. Tao, L.J. Brylka, H. Friedrich, L. Bertinetti, A.S. Schenk, A. Verch, V. Dmitrovic, P.H.H. Bomans, P.M. Frederik, J. Laven, P. van der Schoot, B. Aichmayer, G. de With, J.J. De Yoreo, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, \\
Ion Association Complexes Unite Classical and Non-classical Theories for the Biomimetic Nucleation of Calcium Phosphate\\
Nature Communications 4, 1507 (2013)                                                                                                             IF 18,9  291 citations (36/year)\\
8. J. Baumgartner, A. Dey, P.H.H. Bomans, C. Le Coadou, P. Fratzl, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, D. Faivre,\\
Precursors, Nucleation and Growth of Magnetite from Solution\\
Nature Materials, 12, 310-314 (2013)                                                                                                                   IF 46,8 314 citations (39/year)\\
9. A. Dey, P.H.H. Bomans, F.A. Müller, J. Will, P.M. Frederik, G. de With and N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk\\
The Role of Prenucleation Clusters in Surface-induced Calcium Phosphate Crystallization\\
Nature Materials, 9, 1010 (2010)                                                                                                                            IF 46,8 384 citations (35/year)\\
10. F. Nudelman, K. Pieterse, A. George, P.H.H. Bomans, H. Friedrich, L. J. Brylka, P.A.J. Hilbers, G. de With, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk\\
The Role of Collagen in Bone Apatite Formation in the Presence of Hydroxyapatite Nucleation Inhibitors,\\
Nature Materials, 9, 1004 (2010)                                                                                                                            IF 46,8  556 citations (50/year)