!!Christopher Smith - Curriculum Vitae
*1984-1988 BA Hons (First Class) Literae Humaniores, Oxford\\
*1988-1992 D.Phil. (Oxford)
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I am currently Executive Chair of the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

From 2009 to 2017 I was Director of the British School at Rome: Chief executive officer of the UK’s largest foreign humanities research institution, with full responsibilities for the academic, financial and managerial administration of the British School at Rome.
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From 2012 to 2017 I was President of the Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, storia e storia d'arte, the association of over 30 of the Italian and foreign academies in Rome. \\
My main areas of research focus on the archaeoolgy, history and historiography of archaic and classical Italy.  I have been awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Grant for 2017-20 to research the nature of kingship and power.\\
*2007 - 2009 Vice-Principal and Proctor, and Provost of St Leonard’s College and Dean of Graduate Studies\\
*2002 - 2006: Dean of Arts.\\
*2002:  Promoted Professor of Ancient History.\\
*1992:   Appointed Lecturer in Ancient History, University of St Andrews\\
*Stanford Lecturer at Trinity College, Dublin in Spring 2001\\
*Visiting Professor, La Sapienza Rome, Spring 2010.\\
*Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Council and the Department of Classics, Princeton, 2018\\
*De Carle Distingushed Lectureship, University of Otago, 2018\\
*Elected corresponding member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, 2016 \\
*Elected member of the Association for Studi Etruschi ed Italici, 2015 \\
*Elected member of the Accademia Etrusca di Cortona, 2014\\
*Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, 2011\\
*Elected Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1999\\
*Elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, 1997\\
*Member of the Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, 1994\\
*Elected Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, November 1993\\
Editor, Lived Roman Religion\\
Reviews editor, Journal of Roman Studies 2003-6 \\
Monographs Editor, Journal of Roman Studies 2006-7\\
Membership of Scientific and Editorial Committees: Dialogues d’histoire ancienne; Forma Urbis; Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage; Aristonothos; BIAMA; Ostraka; Mediterranea; Animae Loquentes - Speaking souls; Polymnia; Le religioni e la storia; UMR 8546 CNRS/ENS Archéologie et Philologie d’Orient et d’Occident - AOrOc; Comitato Scientifico della Collana della Scuola di Scienze Umane e Sociali, Universita' degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.\\
AHRC Peer Review, Academic and Strategic College.\\
*AHRC Research Leave 2002 (£14593)\\
*AHRC Research Leave 2007 (£34109)\\
*Leverhulme Major Reearch Fellowship 2017-20 (£173,897)\\
*Max Weber Kolleg Fellowship, Erfurt, 2017 (Awarded, but not compatible with Leverhulme).\\ \\