!!Michael Sixt - Selected Publications
Reversat A, Gaertner F, Merrin J, Stopp J, Tasciyan J, Aguilera J, de Vries I, Hauschild R, Hons M, Piel M, Callan-Jones A, Voituriez R, Sixt M \\
Adhesion-free cell migration by topography-based force transmission\\
Nature, 2020\\
Renkawitz J, Kopf A., Stopp J, de Vries I, Driscoll MK, Merrin J, Hauschild R, Welf ES, Danuser G, Fiolka R, Sixt M \\
Nuclear positioning facilitates amoeboid migration along the path of least resistance\\
Nature 2019\\
Brown M, Assen FP, Leithner A, Abe J, Schachner H, Asfour G, Bago-Horvath Z, Stein JV, Uhrin P, Sixt M*, Kerjaschki D*\\
Lymph node blood vessels provide exit routes for metastatic tumor cell dissemination in mice * corresponding authors\\
Science. 2018\\
Hons M, Kopf A, Hauschild R, Leithner A, Gaertner F, Abe J, Renkawitz J, Stein JV, Sixt M\\
Chemokines and integrins independently tune actin flow and substrate friction during intranodal migration of T cells\\
Nat Immunol. 2018 \\
Mueller J, Szep G, Nemethova M, de Vries I, Lieber AD, Winkler C, Kruse K, Small JV, Schmeiser C, Keren K, Hauschild R, Sixt M\\
Load Adaptation of Lamellipodial Actin Networks\\
Cell. 2017 \\
Kiermaier E, Moussion C, Veldkamp CT, Gerardy-Schahn R, de Vries I, Williams LG, Chaffee GR, Phillips AJ, Freiberger F, Imre R, Taleski D, Payne RJ, Braun A, Förster R, Mechtler K, Mühlenhoff M, Volkman BF, Sixt M\\
Polysialylation controls dendritic cell trafficking by regulating chemokine recognition\\
Science. 2016 \\
Leithner A, Eichner A, Müller J, Reversat A, Brown M, Schwarz J, Merrin J, de Gorter DJ, Schur F, Bayerl J, de Vries I, Wieser S, Hauschild R, Lai FP, Moser M, Kerjaschki D, Rottner K, Small JV, Stradal TE, Sixt M.\\
Diversified actin protrusions promote environmental exploration but are dispensable for locomotion of leukocytes\\
Nat Cell Biol. 2016 \\
Maiuri P, Rupprecht JF, Wieser S, Ruprecht V, Bénichou O, Carpi N, Coppey M, De Beco S, Gov N, Heisenberg CP, Lage Crespo C, Lautenschlaeger F, Le Berre M, Lennon-Dumenil AM, Raab M, Thiam HR, Piel M*, Sixt M*, Voituriez R*\\
Actin flows mediate a universal coupling between cell speed and cell persistence. * corresponding authors\\
Cell. 2015 \\
Weber M, Hauschild R, Schwarz J, Moussion C, de Vries I, Legler DF, Luther SA, Bollenbach T, Sixt M \\
Interstitial dendritic cell guidance by haptotactic chemokine gradients\\
Science, 2013 \\
Lämmermann T, Bader BL, Monkley SJ, Worbs T, Wedlich-Söldner R, Hirsch K, Keller M, Förster R, Critchley DR, Fässler R, Sixt M\\
Rapid leukocyte migration by integrin-independent flowing and squeezing\\
Nature, 2008\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit msixt}][{ALLOW upload msixt}][{ALLOW comment All}]