!!Fu-Dong Shi - Biography
Fu-Dong Shi is a distinguished neurologist with expertise in the management of multiple sclerosis and related neuroinflammatory disorders. His extensive career in the field of neurology spans continents and is marked by significant contributions to clinical care, cutting-edge research, and international collaboration. \\
Between 1995 to 2010, Dr. Shi completed his clinical and research training at the Harbin Medical University and Peking Union Hospital, China, Karolinska Institute in Sweden, The Scripps Institute in California, and Barrow Neurological Institute in Arizona. In 2010, he returned to China and established Beijing-Tianjin Center for Neuroinflammation (BTCN), operating under the auspices of the Chinese National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases. Under Dr. Shi’s leadership, BTCN has evolved into a center of excellence that annually provides comprehensive care to thousands of patients with multiple sclerosis and related disorders. Notably, this care extends to international diplomats, company executives, and other international patients residing in China. Dr. Shi’s diverse training experiences in both Sweden and the United States ensure that patients receive cutting edge therapies and sustained follow-up care. Importantly, he has spearheaded several multi-center clinical trials that generated new therapies. Additionally, he has also developed and validated a diagnostic platform for evaluating the progression and therapeutic responses of neurological disorders. \\
During his doctoral studies at the Karolinska Institute (KI), Dr, Shi developed his interest in investigating the role of innate immunity in neurological disorders. This interest has persisted through his career and has driven his enduring collaboration with KI, culminating in the identification of previously unrecognized link between innate and adaptive immunity. \\
Dr. Shi is widely recognized as one of the few neuroscientists who have achieved breakthroughs in understanding of neuro-immune interactions in diverse neurological disease settings. His pioneering work in “Stroke Immunology” has led to modulation of brain inflammation as novel strategies for treating stroke. In this emerging field, he has identified several new drug targets on neural-immune interactions and established pipelines for drug development tailored to address neuroinflammatory disorders. \\
Dr. Shi has authored of 258 articles, along with the acquisition of 28 patents. He has also served on the editorial boards of Science Translational Medicine, Cell Death and Differentiation. \\
In his roles as Chief of Chinese Neuroimmunology Association, visiting professor at Charité, and board member of the European Charcot Foundation, Dr. Shi has played a pivotal role in fostering the fusion of the Chinese Neurology community with their European counterparts. These collaborations have not only enriched joint endeavors towards patient care, but have also promoted research and education opportunities for young neuroscientists. \\
In summary, Fu-Dong Shi is a distinguished neurologist and researcher who has significantly advanced the field of neuroimmunology. Dr. Shi’s experiences reflect a global perspective and a strong commitment to international coloration. His expertise in neuroinflammatory disorders, pioneering research, and extensive network are assess invaluable for promoting clinical neuroscience and patient care on a global scale.\\ \\

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