!!Enrique Sentana - Curriculum Vitae
*1991 PhD in Economics, London School of Economics\\
*1987 MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, London School of Economics\\
*1985 Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, University of Alicante
*2014 Rey Jaime I Prize in Economics\\
*2012 Fellow of the Econometric Society\\
*2010 Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics\\
*2007 President of the Spanish Finance Association\\
*2006 President of the Spanish Economic Association\\
*1992 Sayers Prize, University of London\\
*1987 Ely Devons Prize, London School of Economics
*1998 Professor of Economics at CEMFI\\
*1992 Senior Research Associate of the LSE Financial Markets Group\\
*1998 Research Fellow of the CEPR Financial Economics Programme\\
*1992 - 1998 Associate Professor of Economics at CEMFI\\
*1990 - 1992 Lecturer in Economics at the London School of Economics
__Professional activities__
*2018 Executive Vice-President of the Econometric Society\\
*2005 - 2014 Treasurer of the European Standing Committee, Econometric Society\\
*2007 - 2011 Managing Editor of the Review of Economic Studies\\
*2006 - 2007 Co-Editor, Journal of Financial Econometrics\\
*2012 Programme Co-chair of the 66th European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Málaga\\
*2005 Programme Co-chair of the 13th Finance Forum, Madrid\\
*2001 Programme Chair of the 26th Symposium on Economic Analysis, Alicante
Advisor or co-advisor of 10 PhD thesis at CEMFI\\ \\