!!!Anthony Segal
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*1.10.86 - to date  Charles Dent Professor of Medicine, University College London 
*Honorary Consultant physician - UCH
* 1 1968  -  1  1969    House Physician and Surgeon,  Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town
* 2 1969  -  7  1969   Registrar in Cardiology, Wentworth Hospital, Durban
* 8 1970  -  2  1971   Casualty Officer, Hammersmith Hospital, London
* 2 1971  -  8  1971   Senior House Officer in Rheumatology, Hammersmith Hospital
* 9 1971  -  3  1974   Clinical Research Registrar General Medicine & Gastroenterology, Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow
* 6 1974  -  9  1974   Scientific Officer, Medical Research Council Clinical Research Centre, Harrow
* 1 1975  -  9  1976   Senior Registrar Department of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital
* 9 1976  - 10 1979   Clinical Scientist, Clinical Research Centre
* 10 1979 -10 1986   Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow, University College London
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2018 Member Henry Kunkel Society
*2014 UCL Clinical Prize Lecture
*2008 Honorary Fellow College Physicians, The Colleges of Medicine of  South Africa
*2002 Honorary Fellow, University College London
*1998 Founding Fellow Academy of Medical sciences (F Med Sci)
*1998 Fellow of The Royal Society (FRS)(general Fellow)
*1988 European Society for Clinical Investigation Award for Excellence in Clinical Research
*1987 Biochemical Society Wellcome Trust Award for Research in Biochemistry Related to Medicine
*1979 - 1984 Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow 

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Segal_Anthony/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Segal_Anthony/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Segal_Anthony/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Segal_Anthony/OtherInformation]

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